Where is it? Cultural authorities mum on return of minister’s stolen marker
Two public agencies responsible for Malta’s national heritage are
Clint Axisa back on Transport Malta books despite criminal charges for sexual harassment
A senior Transport Malta officer who last April had
Confirmed: 2023 electricity failure was result of lack of investment in grid – report
State energy company Enemalta did the opposite of what
Opinion: Stewarding the national interest
Arbitrations are by their nature confidential, so we don’t
Ivan Falzon out of Infrastructure Malta
Ivan Falzon, the Chief Executive Officer of Infrastructure Malta
Opinion: Silencing whistleblowers
Roger Agius has gone public about the concerted efforts
Government pays Corinthia company €365,000 direct order for 3-day Agrifair
Aqra bil-Malti. Taxpayers have forked out a direct order
Government breaks disciplinary code to boost re-election of Rabat mayor
The Office of the Prime Minister has instructed one
Canvassers lending their addresses to the Refalos in Xewkija
Details of Minister Anton Refalo’s canvassers who are offering
Top civil servants confirm Abela wanted a second deal with Steward Healthcare
The three permanent secretaries charged with criminal offences related
OHSA to add new PR manager as Stagno Navarra is never there
The Occupational Health and Safety Authority (OHSA) plans to
Minister splits family’s registered address to manipulate daughter’s election prospects
Labour Minister Anton Refalo is leaving no stone unturned
PA initiates action against Qala illegal pools, minister’s pool untouched
The Planning Authority (PA) has started to take legal
Thousands join protest following inquiry on hospitals deal corruption
Thousands of people gathered in Valletta today in the
Law students again denounce PM’s attacks on judiciary
The Law Students Society (GħSL) again denounced the prime
Opinion: Election fraud
Almost one hundred voters suddenly appeared on the electoral
Deputy Prime Minister resigns ‘with immediate effect’
Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne has resigned as he
Stagno Navarra in financial trouble, again
Labour TV presenter Karl Stagno Navarra, who has a
Aditus ‘strongly condemns’ PM’s ‘blatant attack’ on judiciary, journalists
Human rights organisation Aditus has “strongly condemned” the words
Deal reached with Bonnici Brothers over €13 million shooting range debacle
Documents tabled in parliament indicate that the government has
No planning law reform a year after prime minister’s commitment
Aqra bil-Malti It’s been over a year since Prime
Taxpayers paid €611,000 for Saviour Balzan’s TV programmes for PBS
Over €600,000 have been used by the state broadcaster
Smart City: Latest CEO departs as master plan revision suspended
Smart City Malta Ltd, the Dubai government company given
Hospitals Heist: The time has come
Aqra bil-Malti Disgraced former prime minister Joseph Muscat said
Report confirms shoddy work on €13 million shooting range
A technical report by government consultant Robert Musumeci confirms
Parliamentary Secretary for Equality silent on Clint Axisa’s reinstatement
Aqra bil-Malti Rebecca Buttigieg, the parliamentary secretary for reforms
Taxpayers to fork out another €1.7 million for Air Malta Flypass compensation
Around 6,000 Air Malta customers who were members of
New FMS boss to earn much more than Carmen Ciantar’s €163,000
Robert Xuereb, the former head of Mater Dei’s cardiology
Minister deflects questions on Bonnici Brothers’ experience in power plants
Energy Minister Miriam Dalli has so far refused to
TM senior official reinstated despite sexual harassment charges
Aqra bil-Malti A Transport Malta official on bail following

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