Steward Health Care top executive forced to face US Senate
Ralph de la Torre, the CEO of bankrupt Steward
Opinion: Edward Scicluna, the modern St Paul
Many are familiar with Paul the Apostle’s story of
NSO report highlights traffic problems as number of cars increase
Malta saw a sharp rise in licensed vehicles, predominantly
Fort Chambray: Developers say they want to add value, NGOs object
Four NGOs are encouraging members of the public to
Opposition Leader demands urgent parliamentary session following charges faced by Central Bank Governor
Opposition Leader Bernard Grech has demanded an urgent parliamentary
European Commission annual rule of law report says Malta needs to do more
Reading the report on the General Workers Union paper
Where is it? Cultural authorities mum on return of minister’s stolen marker
Two public agencies responsible for Malta’s national heritage are
Health minister extends tender for outsourcing of emergency services
The Health Ministry has extended, twice, the closing date
What will it take for the Central Bank Governor to quit?
Aqra bil-Malti Opposition spokesperson Karol Aquilina said in a
Fatal rockfall at Munxar highlights urgent need for coastal safety measures
The recent fatal accident at Munxar Beach, where falling
Bitmac applies to sanction illegal concrete plant despite resident concerns
The owners of a controversial tarmac plant in the
OPM grants release to disgraced MUMN boss after damning abuse findings
The Office of the Prime Minister has given its
Birzebbuga community objects to model aircraft site in protected zone
The proposed establishment of a model aircraft flying site
Anger at the increasing takeover of public beaches by private interests
A St Paul’s Bay resident raised the alarm on
Energy crisis: Enemalta paying more than €10,000 an hour for generators
Enemalta is forking out more than  €10,000 an hour
How Miriam Dalli blew the grid
Enemalta is the sole distributor of power.  It doesn’t
Frustration mounts with increasing power cuts despite government assurances
Aqra bil-Malti As the summer heat peaks, Malta is
Opinion: Keith Schembri was the centre of the web
When I read that Keith Schembri had a fake
Clint Axisa back on Transport Malta books despite criminal charges for sexual harassment
A senior Transport Malta officer who last April had
‘Small patch to cover a big hole’: Doctors critical of plan to outsource emergency services
The government’s plan to outsource emergency services to private
Malta’s mounting waste crisis sparks public outcry
Malta is experiencing a mounting waste crisis, especially during
Tourism minister refuses to provide wedding bills, says it is a ‘private matter’
Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo, who a few weeks ago
Enemalta late on temporary power station as Saudi plant is ‘still in transit’
Enemalta’s mismanagement and kneejerk reactions to another energy crisis
Opinion: Our money isn’t coming back
Aqra bil-Malti Robert Abela is bragging that he’s engaged
Bangladeshi agencies targeting Malta for €600-a-month jobs
Aqra bil-Malti Bangladeshi recruitment agencies have identified Malta as
‘Hospital for the South’ still closed despite launch before MEP elections
Aqra bil-Malti An EU-funded €40 million Paola Hub project,
‘Strong’ proposals for floating solar farm off Delimara to remain under wraps
Energy Minister Miriam Dalli and the government-controlled Regulator for
‘My dead father was left rotting at Gozo hospital’ – son recounts experience
Aqra bil-Malti The grieving son of a 57-year-old Gozitan
Calls for reform as SME barometer shows businesses face labour shortages, inflation challenges
The SME Barometer Q2 2024 survey, conducted online among

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