Aggrieved FTS employees forced to backtrack on their complaint
Government employees working at the Foundation for Tomorrow Schools
Air Malta pilots and crew moved to new airline had to waive legal rights
KM Malta Airlines, the new national airline which replaced
‘Prioritise common good’: NGOs raise alarm on potential Qajjenza land grab
NGOs have called on Energy Minister Miriam Dalli to
Abela administration registers record €1 billion debt a year
Malta’s debt reached a record €9.7 billion, or a
New national airline fails to inherit ‘Air Malta’ name despite government pledge
Malta’s new national airline, KM Malta Airlines, has failed
New cannabis boss, 28, is an associate of prime minister’s brother-in-law
The government has resorted to another partisan appointment, to
Prime minister’s spokesperson silent on breach of ethics
Edward Montebello, the government’s head of communications for Prime
Prime minister moves ahead with his ODZ Zejtun property development
Construction work on the prime minister’s latest private property
Cannabis boss Leonid McKay moved to Jobsplus as CEO removed
Leonid McKay has become the second government cannabis boss
Food prices are up again despite ‘historical social pact’
The government’s agreement with supermarket owners and food importers,
Prime Minister found guilty of ethics breach, refuses to apologise
Prime Minister Robert Abela was found to be in
Concerns raised as Labour Party starts using state schools for partisan activities
The Labour Party in government has started using state
Confirmed: Muscat received €60,000 more than permitted when leaving office
An investigation by the Standards Commissioner confirmed The Shift’s
Government awarded tender to accused kidnapper after court arraignment
Christian Borg, 30, arraigned in January 2022 for a
Prime minister reneges on commitment to forbid government CEO dual roles
Prime Minister Robert Abela’s appointment of Ryan Fava as
Labour MP named in bank heist given job at Mriehel Industrial Estate
Former foreign minister Carmelo Abela, named several times in
Lands Minister avoiding reply on Valletta premises squatted by PM
Lands Minister Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi is refusing to give
Company linked to PM positioned to win Enemalta’s ‘temporary’ power plant
United Equipment Company Ltd (UNEC) – a branch of
Sacked minister set to become ambassador but retains parliament seat
Sacked Transport Minister Aaron Farrugia is set to be
Prime minister’s brother-in-law receives direct order for unspecified legal services
Prime Minister Robert Abela’s brother-in-law, Albert Zerafa, has been
No money for Europride contractors as government blocks information on costs
Tens of contractors involved in organising the government’s Europride
Sofia inquiry: Despite Malta Enterprise’s ‘incompetence’, chair won’t resign
Malta Enterprise Chairman William Wait will not resign from
Elderly former ministers receiving thousands in annual package as PM’s ‘special envoys’
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti Prime Minister Robert Abela is
Opinion: The depravity of despots
“Hundreds of flowers and candles laid to honour the
Valletta residents to protest over Evans Building privatisation
A group of Valletta residents under the name ‘Residenti
State broadcaster loses €5 million in 10 years despite €40 million in subsidies
The public broadcaster, PBS, has lost a total of
Sofia inquiry: PN calls for ministers’ resignations as Abela commits to reform
Opposition leader Bernard Grech has called for the resignation
Evans Building concession winner admits mistake, claims insignificance
Tista taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. Valletta Luxury Projects (VLP)
Opinion: Leave her in peace
Should a three-year-old girl severely traumatised by war be
Ex-Frontex chief’s swing right casts light on Maltese ‘socialists’ migration policies
Fabrice Leggeri, the former head of the European Union’s

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