Malta’s €600 million incinerator project: conflicts, accusations and controversy
This week’s close scrutiny of a €600 million contract
Domestic violence: cases filed in October scheduled to start in January 2025
Victims of domestic violence face waits of over a
Petition against Penza tarmac plant in Mqabba gains ground
Thousands of residents of Mqabba, Qrendi, and Safi have
PA inundated with objections over controversial Birzebbuga public land project
The Planning Authority has received more than 300 written
Air Malta needs ‘more time’ to shed light on multi-million euro consultancy costs
Air Malta has not yet been able to collate
List of public property concessions not of public interest, government says
The government has refused to publish details of public
Lou Bondi denies conflict of interest in new contract with tourism ministry
Tista taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. Former Nationalist Party communications
INDIS confirms inaction on SME park taken over by Joseph Portelli
Economy Minister Silvio Schembri has confirmed that an industrial
Penza owes HSBC over €1 million as government approves his business venture on public land
Developer Carmelo Penza, who also owns tarmac and concrete
Opinion: Missing the wood for the trees
Robert Abela stood outside parliament answering questions about the
Government takes another step to allow Birżebbuġa land grab
The government has taken what appears to be another
Only in Malta
A hilarious local website exposes the absurd and ridiculous
Housing ministry rental reform to introduce limits already in place
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. An upcoming rent law reform
Over 150 activists, former president call for Malta to recall ambassador to Israel
Over 150 Maltese activists, including various organisations and a
Prime Minister acquires land to expand guesthouse in Xewkija
Tista taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. Prime Minister Robert Abela
Justice commissioner in hot water over fresh criminal complaint
While already facing one set of criminal charges in
After 45 years of illegalities, PA issues enforcement notice on Bidnija range
The Planning Authority issued an enforcement notice on the
Prime minister renews commissioner for justice, despite ongoing criminal court case
Prime Minister Robert Abela has approved the renewal of
Opinion: Justice is not a witch hunt
Joseph Muscat reacted to the damning court sentence calling
Evans bidders ordered to extend bid as OPM scrambles to solve impasse
Tista taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. The ongoing evaluation of
Second claim of foul play filed against Maghtab incinerator tender decision
Tista taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. The procurement process led
Malta to face EU fiscal discipline as it plans to borrow €920 million in 2024
Malta is expected to be officially put under the
Energy Minister Miriam Dalli humiliated as prime minister takes over Enemalta
Tista taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. Less than two months
Police refuse to answer on lack of independent investigation into hospitals deal
The Malta Police Force has failed to answer questions
Party finances: PL in €2 million deficit, PN breaches rules
The Labour Party (PL) reported a deficit of over
‘Compromised’ incinerator mega tender challenged over ‘irregularities’
The awarding of one of Malta’s largest ever tenders
2022: Malta registers fourth highest deficit in EU
Tista taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. Malta registered a deficit
Opinion: The President, still failing in his duty
Tista taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. When you think President
Calls for EU to drop Melita gas pipeline project intensify
Calls for the European Commission to drop any chance
Justice minister hires ministerial car from former business associates
Justice Minister Jonathan Attard is leasing his official ministerial

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