Fort Chambray: Developers say they want to add value, NGOs object
Four NGOs are encouraging members of the public to
European Commission annual rule of law report says Malta needs to do more
Reading the report on the General Workers Union paper
What will it take for the Central Bank Governor to quit?
Aqra bil-Malti Opposition spokesperson Karol Aquilina said in a
‘Small patch to cover a big hole’: Doctors critical of plan to outsource emergency services
The government’s plan to outsource emergency services to private
Residents’ associations write to PM to overhaul development planning
A number of resident associations have joined forces to
Roberta Metsola elected European Parliament President with highest ever vote
Roberta Metsola has been re-elected European Parliament President with
Ombudsman’s office says education qualifications board ‘not functioning since January’
The Ombudsman’s Office has called on the government to
‘Evil forces’ are what Fearne and Ciantar imposed on the public
Aqra bil-Malti Carmen Ciantar is complaining that she and
Man behind Malta data centre scam exposed by The Shift arrested in India
Aqra bil-Malti The man behind what can only be
Fact-checking Malta’s delegation to UN committee – Daphne Foundation
In a statement today, The Daphne Foundation fact-checked what
UPDATED: Pakistani family accused of taking millions from Malta taxpayers
Aqra bil-Malti When the concession for the management of
Adrian Hillman: Far more deeply embedded than we thought
Aqra bil-Malti The Panama Papers revelations made the former
ADPD requests investigation on abuse of public funds for minister’s wedding
Updated to include the minister’s reaction The Green Party,
Eyebrows raised as minister’s wedding coincides with film awards set-up
Updated to include minister’s reaction Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo’s
Concerns on press freedom in Malta sustained in new report
Access to information remains a pressing concern in Malta,
Keith Schembri to face trial: Inquiry says he pulled the strings, made millions
The trial against those accused of bribery, fraud and
WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange finally freed
WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange, who has unjustly spent years
Zammit Lewis not fit for European Court of Justice, Repubblika tells committee
Edward Zammit Lewis is not fit to occupy the
Court throws out decision on €600 million incinerator
Aqra bil-Malti. Multinational consortium Hitachi-Terna has won the appeal
Medical Cannabis company owned by Keith Schembri used taxpayer funds from hospitals’ deal
Disgraced former OPM chief of staff Keith Schembri used
‘Nefarious deals’: Keith Schembri’s role in the hospitals’ scandal
Former OPM chief of staff Keith Schembri was well
On camera, with a convicted criminal at a ‘billionaires’ event
Aqra bil-Malti. Disgraced former prime minister Joseph Muscat was
‘Labour pandered to developers and businesses’ – veterans
Professor Dominic Fenech has criticised the Labour Party’s strategy,
Reporters Without Borders’ chief and ‘tireless defender of press freedom’ passes away
International press freedom organisation Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has
Independent candidate Arnold Cassola denied access to rolling vote count
In a letter to the Electoral Commission, independent candidate
Editorial: Change the law
It’s a story that we have to write every
Operators of traditional boats protest to operate route served for 400 years
Boatmen who operate traditional wooden boats (Barklori) for ferrying
Panama Papers / 17 Black inquiry must be published – Opposition
Shadow justice minister Karol Aquilina has called for the
‘Money laundering trials set up to fail’
As questions continue to be raised about the millions

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