Confusion as Dalli contradicts Enemalta boss over €46 million power plant
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. The chaos at Enemalta is
€130,000 spent on marketing Stabbiltà scheme, government shy on details
The government has spent some €130,000 to promote the
Opinion: Abela’s panic
When is “one property touching the other” just one
ONE Radio presenter Manuel Micallef on €60,000 Wasteserv package
Manuel Micallef, a regular host on Labour’s media and
Opinion: True populism
“The PN is a populist party focused only on
Agriculture minister’s PA-sanctioned hotel opens for business
Agriculture Minister Anton Refalo and his wife have started
Stivala Group files objection after govermnent cancels Chalet concession
A  concession to rehabilitate and run the iconic Chalet
Evans Building concession faces second objection from developer Paul Attard
A second objection was filed in front of the
Robert Abela ‘lied’ to journalists about undeclared Xewkija land – Cassola
Independent politician Arnold Cassola in a press release on
Planning Authority ignores recommendations, buys time on Gozo Minister’s driver’s ODZ development
The Planning Authority has postponed a decision on an
Cassola demands action from standards commissioner over prime minister’s missing €180,000
Independent MEP candidate Arnold Cassola has demanded answers from
Opinion: Abela turns toxic
“The opposition… pointed a pistol towards Judge Grixti’s head,
Ministries spending hundreds of thousands to manipulate press reports
Government ministries are spending hundreds of thousands of euro
PM congratulates ‘authoritarian’ Bangladeshi leader after violent, undemocratic election
Prime Minister Robert Abela has offered congratulations following the
Government to borrow €1.7 billion this year
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti The Finance Ministry has announced
Gżira construction site collapse ‘consequence’ of government inaction – ADPD
The collapse of a building facade and scaffolding at
Prime minister’s boutique hotel application receives final sign off from PA
Prime Minister Robert Abela and his wife, Lydia’s application
Government wants road for AUM after handing it dirt cheap Smart City land
The government’s proposed development of a new road linking
Citizens, civil society call for Melita pipeline to be dropped ahead of EU funding vote
Over 1,000 Maltese citizens and 14 NGOs have signed
Print newspapers given €150,000 in fresh public funds
The government has handed out some €150,000 of public
Evans concession assigned to Decesare/Weingard consortium despite faulty bid
The Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) has decided
Board probing benefits racket requests term extension, still no arrests
The government-appointed board investigating the widely reported disability benefits
State buys second luxury SUV for Prime Minister Robert Abela
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. The Office of the Prime
Former Enemalta boss paid over €110,000 at new government agency
Jonathan Cardona, the former Enemalta CEO who was removed
Marsa Sports Complex partially inaugurated, completion delayed years
A multipurpose hall and gymnastics pavilion, tacked on last
Muscat defends disastrous foreign labour policies to international media
Disgraced former prime minister Joseph Muscat has defended his
Members and salaries for government boards remain shrouded in secrecy
The composition, identities and remuneration for members of dozens
Crypto exchange Binance’s Maltese tax arrears ‘covered by official secrecy’
The Maltese government refuses to publish information on the
Malta government hires UK PR firm Digitalis to ‘manage’ online reputation
The government has engaged reputation management company Digitalis, which
Opinion: Robert’s friend the disgraced ex-PM
Speaking at a Labour Party (PL) political activity on

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