How the EU tried to bolster its fight against disinformation ahead of EP elections
As European citizens prepare to vote in the upcoming
The government’s crisis management tactics remain unchanged
Over the last couple of weeks,  government officials have
Disinformation Watch: ‘The Establishment’ – a phantom enemy
A good gauge of political unrest is when politicians
Disinformation Watch: Framing the Sofia public inquiry narrative
Following the publication of the Jean Paul Sofia public
Disinformation Watch: Yes, Cabinet does need to declare spouse’s assets
Prime Minister Robert Abela’s denials in the press last
Disinformation Watch: ‘Rage farming’, a new word for an old trick
The language used by Prime Minister Robert Abela has
Ministries spending hundreds of thousands to manipulate press reports
Government ministries are spending hundreds of thousands of euro
Disinformation Watch: Caution, unemployment statistics ahead
When the EU Commission published an infographic on unemployment
Disinformation one of the biggest threats to democracies in 2024 – WEF Report
Emotionally charged language, personal attacks, false comparisons, and deliberate
Series of attacks on judiciary align to sow doubt ahead of inquiry findings
Prime Minister Robert Abela’s criticisms of the judiciary and
House of mirrors: Vitals, Ciantar and disinformation
The noise surrounding allegations against Carmen Ciantar, coupled with
Propaganda propping up a party
Prime Minister Robert Abela’s government survives scandal after scandal.
Disinformation watch: Populist statements that do not address the real issues
The statement by the opposition Nationalist Party’s home affairs
Repetition and negativity: propaganda tools designed to stick
The wave of disinformation in the week that immediately
Twisting tales and spinning narratives: Joseph Muscat is (kind of) back
When Joseph Muscat was prime minister, he regularly turned
Steward’s ship has sunk
The government’s agreement with Steward Healthcare is so fraught
Condemning one’s own narrative
It was ultimately more surprising that a government spokesperson
It’s not what it looks like
While members of government have become particularly adept at
Disinformation Watch: This is (not) fine
There is a timeless cartoon (meme) often used when
Disinformation Watch: Keeping Things in Check #6
On 4 October, the social media platforms Facebook, WhatsApp
Fighting disinformation, one game at a time
Readers of The Shift will have noticed that the
Disinformation watch – defiant defence
When reports emerged that on 8 September, the Parliamentary
Keeping things in check #5
The absurdities never stop, do they? From Robert Abela’s
Lethal disinformation
For disinformation to be effective, it needs to have
Extraordinary claims
Research, a word we hear so often these days.
Disinformation Watch: Calling things by their proper name
The Shift has dedicated much space to the plethora
Disinformation Watch: I’m not campaigning, you’re campaigning!
Eagle-eyed observers and those who monitor our politicians’ social
Keeping things in check #4
August is usually a slow month for most but
5 Covid-19 vaccine myths explained
Despite Malta’s successful vaccination rate against Covid-19, and the
Disinformation Watch: Fretting about the FATF
That the government was about to embark on a

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