Steward Health Care top executive forced to face US Senate
Ralph de la Torre, the CEO of bankrupt Steward
Where is it? Cultural authorities mum on return of minister’s stolen marker
Two public agencies responsible for Malta’s national heritage are
Health minister extends tender for outsourcing of emergency services
The Health Ministry has extended, twice, the closing date
Bitmac applies to sanction illegal concrete plant despite resident concerns
The owners of a controversial tarmac plant in the
OPM grants release to disgraced MUMN boss after damning abuse findings
The Office of the Prime Minister has given its
Energy crisis: Enemalta paying more than €10,000 an hour for generators
Enemalta is forking out more than  €10,000 an hour
Clint Axisa back on Transport Malta books despite criminal charges for sexual harassment
A senior Transport Malta officer who last April had
Tourism minister refuses to provide wedding bills, says it is a ‘private matter’
Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo, who a few weeks ago
Enemalta late on temporary power station as Saudi plant is ‘still in transit’
Enemalta’s mismanagement and kneejerk reactions to another energy crisis
Bangladeshi agencies targeting Malta for €600-a-month jobs
Aqra bil-Malti Bangladeshi recruitment agencies have identified Malta as
‘Hospital for the South’ still closed despite launch before MEP elections
Aqra bil-Malti An EU-funded €40 million Paola Hub project,
‘Strong’ proposals for floating solar farm off Delimara to remain under wraps
Energy Minister Miriam Dalli and the government-controlled Regulator for
‘My dead father was left rotting at Gozo hospital’ – son recounts experience
Aqra bil-Malti The grieving son of a 57-year-old Gozitan
Indian files rogue development application to sanction Portelli’s illegal penthouses
Aqra bil-Malti The Planning Authority is evaluating the possibility
Confirmed: 2023 electricity failure was result of lack of investment in grid – report
State energy company Enemalta did the opposite of what
Court orders Stagno Navarra to pay his lawyer’s bills
Labour propagandist Karl Stagno Navarra was found guilty of
Labour insider fronts €79 million offer for new Bormla home for the elderly
A joint venture co-owned by a Labour insider submitted
Maltese tenor wants to keep Malta taxpayer support secret
Acclaimed Maltese tenor Joseph Calleja wants to prevent the
Documents withheld from parliament to hide secret deal with Bonnici Brothers
The government is refusing to reveal the details of
EXCLUSIVE: Schembri used fake email to manipulate Electrogas negotiations
Aqra bil-Malti At a Glance: Keith Schembri testified under
Failed MEP candidate awarded new top job at Infrastructure Malta
Steve Ellul, a banker who failed to get elected
Court slams Gozo teacher’s public land grab
Gozo’s Administrative Review Tribunal has ruled that a teacher
OPM spokesperson put on Project Green payroll
Melissa Vella Buhagiar has been given a lucrative new
‘Urgent’ health and safety legislation left idle for a year
Prime Minister Robert Abela’s sudden urgency to reform the
Taxpayers forking out €1,250 a month for Muscat’s Maserati
Aqra bil-Malti Disgraced former prime minister Joseph Muscat’s Maserati
Ivan Falzon out of Infrastructure Malta
Ivan Falzon, the Chief Executive Officer of Infrastructure Malta
€500,000 publicly-funded sailing boat left idle for 18 months
Aqra bil-Malti A second-hand sailing boat bought by the
Developer bags a third of Qajjenza site with plans to take over seafront public land
Plans by the secretary general of the Malta Developers
Water agency bypassing procurement rules through Infrastructure Malta
The government has found an ‘innovative’ way to bypass
Abela facing stiff internal resistance on ‘Commissioner Micallef’ move
Prime Minister Robert Abela’s surprise move, suggesting the possible

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