Caruana Galizia family ‘not informed’ of developments in investigation
The family of assassinated journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia has
‘If we remain silent and divided, we will all choke’
In his address to citizens gathered to pay tribute
Malta is under attack, from the inside
I have sat back and watched with utter amazement
Make no mistake, Mizzi and Schembri must go 
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat might be playing for time
Italian journalists respond to political attack with nationwide protests
Italian journalists organised protests across the country yesterday against
Human Rights experts call for resignations related to 17 Black
Corrupt politicians foster a corrupt nation and it is
Where’s the personal accountability in Malta?
A government minister is politically responsible for what happens
The toxic price of impunity
The killing of journalists affects the whole of society
The Dictator’s Handbook #8: Power and corruption
The Dictator’s Handbook emphasises repeatedly how leaders stay in
Daphne Caruana Galizia nominated for anti-corruption award
Daphne Caruana Galizia has been shortlisted for Transparency International’s
The big compromise
US President Donald Trump has made it very clear
Bulgarians mourns slain journalist amid calls for international independent investigation
Bulgarians across the country mourned the death of 30-year
The environment is political too
The Planning Authority’s recent approval of the permit for
A country of two truths
One of the most fascinating facets of Maltese society
End of discussion on Egrant? No way
On the recommencement of Parliament following the summer recess,
‘The problem is toxic business leeching off taxpayers’ – Jan Kuciak’s editor
The editor of the news portal for which murdered
A personal appeal
A heartfelt appeal made by Rosa Borg is being
MEPs start visit in Slovakia and Malta to investigate rule of law
Members of the European Parliament’s Civil Liberties Committee have
It’s not freedom when you have no choice
Public land does not stop being public just because
Losing Joseph Muscat’s religion
There’s a joke by Emo Philips that goes “I
EU concern on Russian clients for Malta’s golden passports
EU Justice Commissioner Věra Jourová is “especially alarmed” with
Police use tear gas against anti-corruption protestors in Romania 
Romanian riot police used tear gas and water cannons
Why do the Maltese vote for corrupt politicians?
The Lovin Malta poll published this week provides striking
Anti-corruption NGOs call on AG to publish the Egrant inquiry
Maltese and French anti-corruption organisations Il-Kenniesa and Sherpa called
Reclaiming our democracy
“The era of liberal democracy is over,” Hungary’s Prime
13 Council of Europe members expelled in Azerbaijani bribery scandal
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe expelled
When the positive turns negative: The PN’s mission to please Labour
The Nationalist Party’s new leadership is silent on Malta’s
Methodology of undermining the Fourth Estate 
As long as the Fourth Estate is seen as
Wealthier politicians, friendlier patrons?
In another EU state, even a whiff of hidden
Żażu’s challange stretches beyond the football pitch
The appointment of Ray ‘Żażu’ Farrugia as coach of

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