Politics of angry triumphalism
Should you today pay brief attention (I’d recommend it)
The €1 deal on Malta’s public hospitals to get its day in court
“Delaying tactics” by the government have been rejected by
Socialist MEPs turn their back on Joseph Muscat to demand the rule of law
MEPs voted in favour of resolutions against Malta and
Malta government told to publish findings of GRECO report on corruption
The Council of Europe (CoE) has formally requested Malta
MEP David Casa piles pressure on Dubai to secure evidence on 17 Black
PN Head of Delegation David Casa has revealed that
Malta, money laundering and a murdered journalist: Too little, too late?
Leading German news platform Deutsche Welle has described Malta’s
‘How criminals hide their stolen millions’ – investigation
Louise Shelley, an expert on money laundering and illicit
WATCH: ‘You made me feel part of something bigger’ – Pelin Ünker
Turkish journalist Pelin Ünker, who is facing 13 months
Malta government only paying ‘lip service’ to its human rights obligations, UN hears
Leading international press freedom and human rights organisations raised
A Tale of Two Maltas
We’ve never had it so good. We’ve never had
Rule of law and press freedom in Malta criticised by UN Human Rights Council
The Maltese government has come under significant criticism for
Nothing to see here
According to Finance Minister Edward Scicluna, Malta’s financial services
Thousands take to the streets in Montenegro against corruption
On Saturday, over 10,000 Montenegrins protested in the capital
European civil liberties NGOs brand Labour Party ‘anti-EU’ ahead of elections
A Europe-wide campaign being waged by human rights organisations prior
Wash your dirty linen at home
“Wash your dirty linen at home.” It’s something we’ve
International press freedom organisations demand ‘justice for Ján’
Leading international press freedom organisations representing thousands of journalists
Unfinished lives: A year since journalist Ján Kuciak was murdered
Almost a year ago, journalist Ján Kuciak and his
Disinformation Watch #31: On calls for votes for those who ‘love the country’
For anyone “to come here and give the impression
Yorgen Fenech named as owner of gaming company involved in ‘criminal network’
Yorgen Fenech, owner of 17 Black, has been accused
Malta exposed: A hub for the ‘laundering’ of prized Bluefin tuna worth millions
Andreina Fenech Farrugia, the Director General of the Fisheries
Googling Joseph Muscat
It was a point of honour, Joseph Muscat said
Shut up and be positive
Just when you thought you’d heard it all –
Which Malta will it be?
“All foreigners who don’t like it can muck off
Corruption destroys unity
Malta’s significant drop in the Corruption Perceptions Index has
Undeserved respect for the judiciary
A legal bid by PN MP Simon Busuttil and
Democracy was 2018’s biggest loser
Following something of a 2018 trend, Malta has registered
Malta registers sharp decline in global corruption index
Malta is among 16 countries to significantly decrease their
Malta Finance Minister approves €2m direct order on money laundering
Finance Minister Edward Scicluna, who complained he could not
Malta and the laundering of Azeri money
Forbes, one of the world’s leading business magazines, has

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