Steward freezes St Luke’s master plan as PM fails to deliver on pledge to amend tainted deal
Steward Healthcare, the American healthcare giant that took over
‘Public Service Week’ media hype cost taxpayers €300,000
A week-long media campaign organised in June by public
Robert Abela’s plan of attack
In Friday’s speech to Labour’s general party conference, Robert
UK-sanctioned Colombian drug trafficker operates Maltese company under fake name
Updated to include Right of Reply. A Colombian national
The dishonesty of double standards
Equality Minister Owen Bonnici, who has been condemned by
UK redlisting: ‘dangerous’ for the economy, ‘weak’ PM must take action
Malta has been slammed with the UK’s red-listing and
Delusional vows won’t get us off grey list any faster
PN leader Bernard Grech pledged yesterday he would get
Gozo Ministry’s direct orders soar to €7.5 million in just six months
Gozo Minister Clint Camilleri has spent more than €7.5
‘Serious challenges’ remain in Malta’s rule of law efforts, despite reforms
Despite Prime Minister Robert Abela’s claims that the European
Gafa’s gaffes
Police Commissioner Angelo Gafa finally called a press conference.
Delay, disrupt, distract: the oil scandal case stumbles on PL’s favourite tactics
Chief Justice Mark Chetcuti last week issued a blistering
Expanded list of Maltese PEPs extends scrutiny to much larger pool of connections
The conduct of the personal financial affairs of many
Minister’s aide helped businessman slash his tax bill, but ‘no evidence of corruption’ found
An investigation by the Commission against Corruption into former
The great tax diversion
Rosianne Cutajar acted as a broker in a €3.1
UK government to investigate over 6,000 ‘golden visas’ over threats to national security
The British government has announced the review of more
Bluster out of weakness 
Every time Robert Abela states that he has shown
The ruin of dishonesty
“We didn’t deserve it”. “Only three countries wanted us
The Malta horror show, starring Nuxellina and friends
Standards Commissioner George Hyzler’s shocking report into MP Rosianne
Repubblika calls on Labour administration to ‘publish all government contracts since 2013’
Civil society NGO Repubblika spared no criticism for Prime
The art of laundering… art
The 13 paintings by Old Masters of the Italian
Central link project costs mushroom as new underpass is added as an afterthought
The controversial €55 million Central Link project, already underway
Member of Azerbaijani ruling family linked to billion-euro money laundering scheme
Two members of Azerbaijan’s ruling Aliyev family have been
As the penny drops
Those of us watching in disbelief as Labour supporters
Yet another perambulating farce
Assassinated journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia’s description of Manuel Mallia
Horror on a loop
As the islands face yet another monumental crisis, Maltese
Malta chose this path in 2017
We knew the writing was on the wall when
The worst has happened
Eight years of government-sanctioned and protected rampant corruption, criminality,
Repubblika’s president slams Rosianne Cutajar after speech in parliament targeting activists
Repubblika president Robert Aquilina has called out Labour MP
The lonely pariah
There are moments still, that one has to shake

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