Fact-checking Malta’s delegation to UN committee – Daphne Foundation
In a statement today, The Daphne Foundation fact-checked what
Opinion: He’s really lost it
If Rip van Winkle woke up in Malta today,
Joseph Muscat’s jailbird friends
You can tell a lot about a person by
Sloppy record keeping at housing ministry puts public funds at risk
Widespread project management failures at the Ministry for Social
Money laundering: Will Malta’s prosecutors fumble the ball?
A court in Panama has acquitted twenty-eight people charged
UPDATED: Pakistani family accused of taking millions from Malta taxpayers
Aqra bil-Malti When the concession for the management of
Opinion: Flip-flopper in chief
Still shell-shocked from the European elections, Robert Abela made
€500,000 publicly-funded sailing boat left idle for 18 months
Aqra bil-Malti A second-hand sailing boat bought by the
Edward Zammit Lewis’ legislative legacy
One aspect that seems to have been overlooked in
Adrian Hillman: Far more deeply embedded than we thought
Aqra bil-Malti The Panama Papers revelations made the former
ADPD requests investigation on abuse of public funds for minister’s wedding
Updated to include the minister’s reaction The Green Party,
Developer bags a third of Qajjenza site with plans to take over seafront public land
Plans by the secretary general of the Malta Developers
Eyebrows raised as minister’s wedding coincides with film awards set-up
Updated to include minister’s reaction Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo’s
Water agency bypassing procurement rules through Infrastructure Malta
The government has found an ‘innovative’ way to bypass
Opinion: The fake surplus and our blinding deficit
“This government has eliminated its debt,” ONE news claimed
Concerns on press freedom in Malta sustained in new report
Access to information remains a pressing concern in Malta,
Abela facing stiff internal resistance on ‘Commissioner Micallef’ move
Prime Minister Robert Abela’s surprise move, suggesting the possible
Mayor’s ‘secret’ deal on Gharb football ground scrapped
A deal made by outgoing Gharb Mayor David Apap
NGOs call for revision of Msida Creek project
A coalition of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in Malta is
Government awards late, overbudget pool as its ‘project of the year’
A €14 million Olympic-sized pool at the Cottonera Sports
Fort Chambray transfer approved by PL and PN MPs, public will not get a cent
During a short parliamentary meeting, the government and the
UN tells Malta to take concrete steps to implement Caruana Galizia public inquiry
Several countries have urged Malta to take concrete steps
Keith Schembri to face trial: Inquiry says he pulled the strings, made millions
The trial against those accused of bribery, fraud and
WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange finally freed
WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange, who has unjustly spent years
Zammit Lewis not fit for European Court of Justice, Repubblika tells committee
Edward Zammit Lewis is not fit to occupy the
VGH ‘lobbyist’ ousted from Identity Malta… Marlene Mizzi takes his place
Prime Minister Robert Abela has removed Mario Galea from
Former Enemalta Chair admits Montenegro wind farm deal was not in Malta’s interest
Jonathan Scerri, Enemalta chairman between 2021 and 2022, admitted
WasteServ issues bizarre statement on court drubbing over €600m incinerator
The government entity responsible for waste management has issued
Opinion: Labour’s grand conspiracy
In the run-up to the MEP elections, Alex Agius
Portelli’s illegally built hotel in Mellieha put on the market for €4.2 million
Gozitan developer Joseph Portelli and his associates, including Mark

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