Edward Zammit Lewis’ legislative legacy
One aspect that seems to have been overlooked in
NGOs call for revision of Msida Creek project
A coalition of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in Malta is
UN tells Malta to take concrete steps to implement Caruana Galizia public inquiry
Several countries have urged Malta to take concrete steps
NGOs call on prime minister to change ‘rotten’ planning appeals system
Fourteen organisations have issued a scathing critique of the
Metsola nominated as EPP Group’s candidate for President of the European Parliament
Roberta Metsola has been officially nominated as the European
Ombudsman calls for MCAST dispute to be resolved
The Office of the Ombudsman, through the Commissioner for
Chamber of Architects calls for reform of planning regulations
The Chamber of Architects has urged the government to
NGOs vow to keep fighting for Comino
A coalition of seven environmental NGOs has vowed to
Malta still slow to resolve court cases – EU Justice Scoreboard
Malta continues to have some of the longest delays
Women’s rights group calls for greater gender parity in politics
The Malta Women’s Lobby congratulated Roberta Metsola on her
Far-right parties projected to make gains in the European Parliament
The projections of the 2024 European Parliament elections suggest
RTK103 to take legal action against Broadcasting Authority
Radio station RTK103 has announced its intention to take
How the EU tried to bolster its fight against disinformation ahead of EP elections
As European citizens prepare to vote in the upcoming
Residents urge protection for ecologically sensitive Xemxija site
Over 150 residents of Xemxija Heights, supported by NGOs
MEIA calls for transparency on the proposed Cultural Hub
The Malta Entertainment Industry and Arts Association (MEIA) is
The government’s crisis management tactics remain unchanged
Over the last couple of weeks,  government officials have
Attacks on independent media continue despite condemnations
Widespread condemnation has not stopped government officials from launching
Disinformation Watch: ‘The Establishment’ – a phantom enemy
A good gauge of political unrest is when politicians
OSCE recommendations ignored as cheques delivered during election campaign
The government has decided to deliver another cheque to
Malta still among the worst-ranking countries in EU for press freedom: RSF
The latest World Press Freedom Index report by Reporters
EP approves new rules to fight money laundering, terrorist financing
The European Parliament voted overwhelmingly to adopt a package
European Parliament approves revised rules to combat human trafficking
On Tuesday, the European Parliament took a significant step
‘Every day in my work, I see Daphne’s legacy’
In a speech marking the 6.5-year anniversary of the
Tribunal warns Malta Enterprise ‘law not to be used to limit transparency, accountability’
The government agency tasked with attracting foreign direct investment
Council of Europe calls for prompt action as Malta fails its latest anti-corruption assessment
Malta has still only satisfactorily implemented four of the
Concerns over Malta’s treatment of migrants in latest UN human rights review
The latest Universal Periodic Review (UPR) by the Office
European Parliament’s rule of law report: ‘We shouldn’t lose sight of Malta’
Rapporteur Sophie in’t Veld (Renew Netherlands) had firm words
Report: Malta’s influence in the European Parliament considerable despite delegation size
Despite having the smallest number of representatives in the

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