VGH ‘lobbyist’ ousted from Identity Malta… Marlene Mizzi takes his place

Prime Minister Robert Abela has removed Mario Galea from Identity Malta’s chairmanship and appointed former Labour MEP Marlene Mizzi in his stead.

Abela’s move came soon after the publication of the VGH/Steward inquiry, in which Galea was identified as the main lobbyist for the Vitals Global Healthcare (VGH) shareholders to sign a fraudulent deal to take over Malta’s three public hospitals.

Despite Galea not being among those arraigned in court, his name is often mentioned as the middleman between the original VGH shareholders and the Muscat administration, particularly with disgraced former OPM chief of staff Keith Schembri.

Galea was initially outed by an NAO investigation, which found that he had coordinated the negotiations and eventual signing of a ‘secret’ Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between VGH and Malta Enterprise even before the publication of the tender to concede the hospitals to foreign shareholders at the time unknown to the Maltese public.

In an embarrassing episode, the memorandum signed by Galea and then Economy Minister Chris Cardona had been ‘lost’, and the NAO was not given a copy of what was agreed.

Galea’s successor, former OPM head of communications Kurt Farrugia, had publicly said that Malta Enterprise did not possess the MOU. Mario Galea later found it inside his office left in a drawer.

At the time of the negotiations and signing of the ‘secret’ memorandum, Mario Galea was Malta’s Enterprise’s Principal Chief Officer.

Soon after the memorandum was signed, Muscat’s administration promoted Galea to the post of Chief Executive of Malta Enterprise.

Former Judge Antonio Mizzi and his wife, former Labour MEP Marlene Mizzi

Galea’s replacement as Chairman of Identity Malta is Marlene Mizzi, whose three-year chairmanship of Malita Investments plc – a government financial vehicle used to finance social housing projects – ended after clashing with Minister Roderick Galdes.

Although she vehemently denied any involvement in transferring some 99 Siggiewi voters’ identity cards, which was intended to skew the eventual result of the Siggiewi local council elections, Mizzi publicly lambasted Minister Galdes for her removal.

A few days later, Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri appointed her the new Chairman of Identita’.

The 69-year-old former Labour MEP is also a government director on the board of the new national airline – KM Malta.

Her husband, retired Judge Antonio Mizzi, serves on several government-appointed boards, including Chairman of the Sports Integrity Authority and the Law Commission.

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8 months ago

jekk m’intix korrot u halliel m’hemmx post ghalik fill-gvern tal-muvument korrott.

Pony Express
Pony Express
8 months ago

Tajba din. Mhux Bil-fors tilhaq chairman. Mela ma tafux li Marlene Mizzi wahda minn dawk li qed tghix f’riskju tal-faqar. Tant hu hekk li tiekol b’aktar minn halq wiehed.

8 months ago

nice answer … they are trying them all, to save their buttocks…

A. Fan
A. Fan
8 months ago

It’s all a never-ending clown parade, innit?. The same buffoons trading masks every now and then. The Muscat-Abela regime’s ‘talent pool’ really was bone dry from the start. Bungling amateurs with bloated egos, nigh without exception. Yet, they all expect to get handsomely compensated (by the taxpayer) for their chapped lips from decades of MLP servitude.

8 months ago

Mbaghad il miskin li jibghatuh mix xoghol irid jara kif jorrapaxza. Imma certi nies il postijiet tax xoghol jaqghu mis sema!

Out of Curiosity
Out of Curiosity
8 months ago

Marlene Mizzi’s appointment as Chair of Identity Malta after she has been kicked out by Minister Roderick Galdes is a clear sign that very soon this same Minister is going to be kicked out from cabinet by Robert Abela.

joe tedesco
joe tedesco
8 months ago


Paul Borg
Paul Borg
8 months ago

The new CEO of Identity is trying to bring order to the chaos in immigration that expert Clyde Caruana has created. Mizzi was sent by the OPM to overturn these decisions.

8 months ago

Musical Chairs of the Corrupt, music by the Band Master Abela , lyrics by Joseph Muscat.

8 months ago

About time. This fixer has got off too much for too long. It’s time he’s called to account for his role in this and other sorry sagas the last 11 years.

Joseph galea
Joseph galea
8 months ago


Last edited 8 months ago by Joseph galea
paul pullicino
paul pullicino
8 months ago

Every day switching of the same faces to the same government postings. As soon as one is caught in a cock up, OPM brings out the puppet pack of cards for reshuffling.

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