EXCLUSIVE: Schembri used fake email to manipulate Electrogas negotiations
Aqra bil-Malti At a Glance: Keith Schembri testified under
Money laundering: Will Malta’s prosecutors fumble the ball?
A court in Panama has acquitted twenty-eight people charged
Owners of ‘Panama Papers’ firm linked to Malta face money laundering trial
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. On Monday, a Panamanian court
Labour’s midsummer nightmare – Paul Bonello
I take the cue from the customary performance around
‘I can take you anytime, anywhere,’ Muscat tells Opposition’s PAC chair
Former prime minister Joseph Muscat was in full defence
Concerns on ‘impunity afforded’ to Muscat, Schembri, Mizzi – LIBE Committee report
Updated to include debate at the European Parliament MEPs
L-ex Avukat Ġenerali diżonorat Peter Grech jinħatar konsulent tal-ministru tal-ġustizzja
Read the article in English here. Peter Grech kien
Disgraced former Attorney General Peter Grech hired as justice minister’s consultant
Tista’ taqra l-artiklu bil-Malti hawn. Peter Grech, the former
Keith Schembri is back in business
A few days ago, Keith Schembri, the chief of
Disgraced assistant police commissioner still on half pay
Ian Abdilla, the disgraced assistant commissioner of police who
Mizzi taken to task by PAC, fails to answer questions over two hour sitting
Disgraced former energy minister Konrad Mizzi spent another two
The Electrogas hockey stick
The EU could end up helping accused murderer Yorgen
Konrad Mizzi filibusters his way through second PAC appearance
Disgraced former Minister Konrad Mizzi again avoided answering any
Repubblika: ‘we can’t go back to normal as if nothing is happening’
Facing stormy weather and cold winds, activists from NGO
Konrad Mizzi defies Public Accounts Committee’s summons, refuses to testify
Disgraced former Minister Konrad Mizzi said today on Facebook
Pandora Papers: Revelations should be ‘wake up call’ in global battle against tax evasion, MEP says
The largest-ever leak of offshore data, the Pandora Papers
Malta enabled a money laundering machine
The failings of due diligence in every possible sphere
Divine accountability
“That which I do, I do before God”. This
How positivity ebbs
The ever positive former prime minister Joseph Muscat is
Egrant was a house of mirrors
The Shift’s recent investigation into Egrant revealed how the
Finding Egrant: What we know now
Egrant almost ended up owned by a Brazilian, which
SOCAR’s got a lot to hide
Azerbaijan’s State oil company didn’t want to share banking
Party financing must be overhauled if Malta’s to emerge from its distorted democracy – Graffitti
Malta is suffering from a “distortion of democracy” whereby
Simon Busuttil asks for copy as Attorney General silent on inquiry conclusions
Former Opposition Leader Simon Busuttil has asked for a
‘You are not credible, I am sorry’ – former Chief Justice tells Keith Schembri
The public inquiry hearing on Monday touched upon a
Prime Minister’s Office silent over parliamentary secretary’s breach of contract
Prime Minister Robert Abela and Principal Permanent Secretary Mario
Former Attorney General defends inaction on major political scandals
Former Attorney General Peter Grech defended his decision to
Who betrayed Joseph Muscat?
In the interview he gave TVM’s L-Erbgħa Fost il-Ġimgħa
The police rot from the head down
Law enforcement in Malta is unable to prosecute corruption

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