An epidemic of shamelessness
Konrad Mizzi, the Minister who negotiated the deal with
MEPs back plan to freeze funds for countries who undermine rule of law
The European Parliament has backed the European Commission’s proposal
Liberal laws, illiberal uses
A lot has been said about the judge, Giovanni
Judge Grixti’s Catch-22
Konrad Mizzi, the government and anybody with an interest
Answers we are hoping for in 2019
2018 has been an interesting year full of scandal,
Bedingfield has ‘no concerns’ about corruption in Malta
Labour MP Glenn Bedingfield does not have any concerns
The poster boy of democracy’s slow death
Konrad Mizzi has said he wants to complete the
One year anniversary: 5 reasons to support The Shift News
At The Shift News we work tirelessly every day
Panama Papers: Mossack Fonseca employees indicted by US authorities
Four men have been indicted in connection with their
No, Prime Minister – the law dictates otherwise
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat has declared that he will
PD files no-confidence motion against Konrad Mizzi
Partit Demokratiku (PD) Leader Godfrey Farrugia and MP Marlene
Oh my dystopian dream
Living in Malta increasingly feels like a dream. For
Fake news portal behind attack on MEP Ana Gomes
The source of allegations on Socialist MEP Ana Gomes
Malta is under attack, from the inside
I have sat back and watched with utter amazement
Make no mistake, Mizzi and Schembri must go 
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat might be playing for time
Occupy Justice demands police investigation on 17 Black
Activists from Occupy Justice lodged a formal report calling
Human Rights experts call for resignations related to 17 Black
Corrupt politicians foster a corrupt nation and it is
Disinformation Watch #25: Going for broke – 17 Black
Reacting to news revealing the mysterious owner of Dubai
Where’s the personal accountability in Malta?
A government minister is politically responsible for what happens
Casa: ‘Lack of anti-money laundering enforcement serious and systemic’
MEP David Casa has flagged the latest revelations on
Judge Antonio Mizzi can hear Panama Papers appeal, Simon Busuttil to take case to Strasbourg
The constitutional court upheld arguments made by former Opposition
Disinformation Watch #24: Burying the truth on Egrant
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said in Court on Friday
European Commission warns member states must do more to ‘uphold and enforce’ rule of law
The European Commission has warned that EU member states
Konrad Mizzi’s refusal to meet Council of Europe rapporteur belies Muscat’s assurances
Despite Prime Minister Joseph Muscat’s reassurances that he and
The Dictator’s Handbook #5: The perils of meritocracy
“It is better to have loyal incompetents than competent
The show must go on
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and Economy Minister Chris Cardona
The infinite wisdom of the Attorney General 
Testifying in court this week, Attorney General Peter Grech
Meryl Streep applauds bravery of Daphne Caruana Galizia
Three-time Oscar winner Meryl Streep paid tribute to the
Aren’t you glad you’re funding the Labour Party’s electoral success?
A year after the Labour Party shot to power
Disinformation Watch #19: Unfreedom of expression
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said “I will not allow

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