Special rapporteur urges AG to take ‘effective action’ on inquiries
Council of Europe Special Rapporteur Pieter Omtzigt has urged
Louis Grech denies links with Brian Tonna under oath, despite former business ties
Former Deputy Prime Minister Louis Grech on Friday denied
Edward Scicluna speaks of struggle with Projects Malta for information on VGH
Finance Minister Edward Scicluna on Wednesday spoke of his
Taxpayers billed €300,000 for luxury travel by chief passport salesman
Maltese taxpayers were billed almost €300,000 for first class
I’d have done it differently
At the public inquiry into the assassination of Daphne
NAO report shows ‘usual suspects’ involved in hospitals’ scandal
Disgraced former Minister Konrad Mizzi’s ‘friends’, consultant David Galea,
It’s time for Peter Grech to go
The former Head of the economic crimes unit has
Former Economic Crimes Unit chief admits to police inaction on scandals
The second testimony of Ian Abdilla, the former head
Robert Abela rewrites history
Only one mistake, eh? For Robert Abela that is
Mizzi was always expendable
Another domino has fallen, but it’s too soon to
Action demanded on corrupt Montenegro deal
The Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation has reiterated its call
Omtzigt backs call for Europol Joint Investigation Team
Special Rapporteur Pieter Omtzigt called on the Maltese authorities
Projects Malta issued ITS site tender without necessary authorisation
Updated with Repubblika’s reaction The National Audit Office (NAO)
Scandal games for quarantined kids
Social distancing, shop closures, and work from home have
‘Who is protecting the murderers?’
After almost seven years of the Labour Party in
The rise of Maltese society… and the fall of Muscat
The fall of Joseph Muscat and the rise of
Electrogas: A list of the people who benefit from the corrupt deal
It is not only Yorgen Fenech – the man
PM’s staff justifies call to eliminate journalists because they ’caused harm’
The testimonies of former Office of the Prime Minister
You’re about to reap what Joseph Muscat sowed
If you want to know the truth, read the
Malta slides further in global corruption index
Malta’s position has declined significantly in Transparency International’s annual
Malta misses deadline for EU plan to end secret company ownership
Malta is one of the EU countries that has
Former FIAU chief passed documents on Schembri to ex-police commissioner
Former director of the Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit (FIAU)
The Attorney General replies on Egrant inquiry criticism
In an article entitled ‘Attorney General acted ‘irresponsibly’ on
Attorney General acted ‘irresponsibly’ on Egrant inquiry – Vincent De Gaetano
The publication of the Egrant inquiry report has raised
Just say no, Joseph
Just because someone offers you something doesn’t mean you
2019: The Shift’s investigation highlights
2019 was another significant year of investigative work for
Ask what you can do for your country
A lot of us have spent over three years
Living in bubbles that burst
Opposition leader Adrian Delia has won the Constitutional case
Pieter Omtzigt calls out Joseph Muscat’s unfulfilled promise on Egrant inquiry
The demand for the full publication of the Egrant

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