Prime Minister should first set example on law and order
On Sunday, Muscat said that in the coming years
Government official attempts to discredit Russian whistleblower ahead of MEP talks
Neville Gafà who was given a job at the
It’s all about perception, my dear
There are countless people who give up the little
Keith Schembri dodges questions on company accounts
The Prime Minister’s Chief of Staff, Keith Schembri, has
Who is the sidekick: Muscat or Schembri?
Instead of facing questions from a delegation of MEPs
Keith Schembri owes Europe an explanation
As Chief of Staff of the Prime Minister, Keith
Dr Sant and Mr Hyde
Former Prime Minister Alfred Sant is not your typical
‘Fantastic Malta’ exposed in Paradise Papers
When confronted by the news that the European Parliament
Commissioner Clueless and his golden slumber
The daughters of disgraced former EU Commissioner John Dalli,

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