Europe is worried about Joseph Muscat
This week’s European Parliament delegation’s urgent fact-finding mission to
Protest moves to police headquarters
Protests calling for the resignation of Prime Minister Joseph
Parliament under siege as protestors turn the tables on MPs
Citizens gathered in front of parliament again on Monday
Malta’s crisis of democracy
Castille Square was a sea of flags as thousands
Joseph Muscat’s fight for survival
There’s a hole in the space where Joseph Muscat’s
Chaos in parliament as protest rages in Valletta
Protestors filled Valletta for the sixth time in less
‘Impunity in any society erodes the rule of law’ – GRECO Executive Secretary
Malta needs an overall strategy and coherent risk-based approach
Who’s watching the watcher?
What if Yorgen Fenech decided to ask for a
Owen Bonnici’s shattered serenity
Owen Bonnici had a bad night. Why would he
Protestors flood Valletta demanding resignations and an end to impunity
Hundreds of people filled Castille Square in front of
Calls for the Prime Minister’s resignation after suspected mastermind arrested
Calls for the resignation of Prime Minister Joseph Muscat
Schembri finally got his day in court, and he chose to run away
Well, that didn’t go very well, did it? In
Calls for Keith Schembri’s resignation after withdrawal of libel case on 17 Black
The Opposition and civil society organisations have called for
Two years of The Shift: Malta’s only newsroom funded by readers
The Shift is two years old. We want to
Judicial schizophrenia
Justice Joanne Vella Cuschieri has ruled that Malta Enterprise’s right
Cracks appear in the government’s piggy bank
Who thought extending ‘‘interest-free’ property loans to people who
Journalists should be pussycats not watchdogs
The implications of last week’s court decision by Judge
Helena Dalli approved as Equality Commissioner, ‘with reservations’
Helena Dalli has been approved as Equality Commissioner after
‘Someone connected to the Maltese government bears responsibility for her death’
Matthew Caruana Galizia described the scene of his mother’s
Diverting public attention from the story that won’t die
In the make-belief land of Malta, perception matters more
Writer of ‘The Laundromat’ calls Panama Papers ‘crimes against humanity’
Writer and producer Scott Z.Burns has called the findings
At least, we’re not Malta
We’re not Malta, fortunately. That was the sentiment expressed
On rights and abuse
In a video posted online on Saturday, Mario Portelli
Minister under investigation for money laundering says ‘it happens everywhere’
Finance Minister Edward Scicluna has dismissed Malta’s money laundering
Can you hear it?
Guest commentary by Tom Welch “Can you hear it?
Ministers’ ‘abusive language’ against journalists in Malta reported as threat
The “abusive language in regard of The Shift News”
Cover your assets: Minister Konrad ‘I earn less but I spend more’ Mizzi
Ever since Panama Papers broke in 2016, Minister Konrad
Chameleon and leopard
He had it in his grasp, only to fall
Muscat protected his friends, not the national interest
While the Maltese government kept insisting that the Council
PACE adopts report on Malta
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE)

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