The poster boy of democracy’s slow death
Konrad Mizzi has said he wants to complete the
When crime pays
Justice Minister Owen Bonnici put to lie Finance Minister
Schroedinger’s (Mus)Cat
In most areas of our life we all understand
The construction of death
‘In Malta, there are 1,264 different ways to die
Political ownership of the media must end
The problem with addressing risk factors in the media
No, Prime Minister – the law dictates otherwise
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat has declared that he will
Business as usual
Akram Almshay, 26 year old male of Libyan nationality,
GUEST POST: ‘This is Malta’
A post on social media by Robert Zammit, after
We shall not be led ‘like sheep to the slaughter’
In 1783, one of the founding fathers of the
On absurdity: Keith, Konrad and Caligula
The French philosopher Albert Camus used the Roman emperor
Oh my dystopian dream
Living in Malta increasingly feels like a dream. For
Manoel Island: another monster in the making?
The rough leaf-shape of Manoel Island could soon be
Malta is under attack, from the inside
I have sat back and watched with utter amazement
Make no mistake, Mizzi and Schembri must go 
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat might be playing for time
Unions must get their act together
In his Budget speech earlier this month Prime Minister
New beginnings, same old outcomes
PN leader Adrian Delia’s promised ‘New Way’ has seen
On a ‘Belt and Road’ to where?
Malta is among the first European countries to sign
Pilatus might be gone but Malta remains a money-laundering haven
Castille’s favourite bank has been shut down and unsurprisingly
‘Evidence’ is not created in a newsroom
Media Today Managing Editor Saviour Balzan has just admitted
This is not about ‘Sophia’
Not content with selling citizenship as a commodity, Malta
‘Fake news’ – a government tool
In 2017, “fake news” was the Collins English Dictionary’s
Malta puts the ‘cult’ in culture
It’s no secret that the Maltese put the ‘cult’
Government of, by and for big business 
The European Commission need not bother investigate the deal
Another little step to stifle press freedom
Xarabank is not the most defensible programme out there.
Trapping at tax payers’ expense
The trapping season opened on 20 October, for Song
Democracy cannot be safeguarded by gatekeepers
Almost a month after his disappearance, there is little
Malta for Dummies #7: Parallel universe
In Malta, where everything is upside down and topsy-turvy,
The big compromise
US President Donald Trump has made it very clear
A Dark Day for Freedom of Expression in Malta
By Sarah Clarke, Advocacy Manager, PEN International. This is
Nothing to fear but the truth
Her words in our last conversation a few days

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