Libel: Time to turn the tables
Journalists have been attacked time and time again in
The University I am for
In April of this year, the Ministry for Education
PA Chairman’s blueprint for a junky nation
Planning Authority Executive Chairman Johann Buttigieg believes that “as
Ignorance or deception? Minister Ian Borg got it wrong
The dangers of the statement made yesterday by Malta’s
After Daphne’s execution: The rise of civil society
Two consecutive national demonstrations organised by Civil Society Network
An arrest warrant for a whistleblower
Labour MEP Miriam Dalli countered criticism in the European
The power of crooks is not impregnable
In recent weeks, the world has turned its eyes
Timing of press law review suspect
The timing of the government’s focus on the Press
While Rome burns…Konrad and Joseph fiddle
The government’s reaction to a resolution on the collapse
Corruption: We are our own problem
It was one of those completely serendipitous moments. I
Europe has not failed us, Muscat did
MEPs who lambasted Malta’s track record on the rule
AUM: A white elephant  in the making?
The American University of Malta has only managed to
The real war on truth
“The Ministry of Truth contained, it was said, three
After Daphne’s Execution: Delia’s ‘honeymoon’ interrupted
Newly-elected PN leader Adrian Delia has been deprived of
Why the EU resolution is good news for Malta
  For many of us, EU membership is important
The song of the Sausage Peoples
You hear it at night, carried on the heavy
Hands off our public university
Lovin Malta picked on a crucial aspect of the
What women are still up against
Former GWU chief Tony Zarb’s comments were just the
Dr Sant and Mr Hyde
Former Prime Minister Alfred Sant is not your typical
Of Protests and Business as Usual
In today’s Malta the majority of Maltese people have
A human economy
Free markets fail to give due consideration to the
The Shift is your story
We are humbled by the positive reaction to the
The time for civil society is now
The assassination of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia is a
Commissioner Clueless and his golden slumber
The daughters of disgraced former EU Commissioner John Dalli,
Malta needs a women’s movement
So how come Malta has come so far in
Police Toying With Super-Libel Law
Besides the existing perils of criminal libel (carrying a
The fourth pillar is dead, long live the fourth pillar
Part of the blame of the rule of law
Omertà – our collusion in the great corrupt takeover
The press did not choose to inform us about
How Malta failed Daphne
There was a lot of talk about how he
Hands off the Constitution!
Based on how our environmental and planning laws were

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