European Commission annual rule of law report says Malta needs to do more
Reading the report on the General Workers Union paper
Zammit Lewis not fit for European Court of Justice, Repubblika tells committee
Edward Zammit Lewis is not fit to occupy the
Bumpy ride expected for Zammit Lewis en route to Luxembourg
Prime Minister Robert Abela’s nominee for the post of
Thousands join protest following inquiry on hospitals deal corruption
Thousands of people gathered in Valletta today in the
University student organisations condemn attacks on judiciary
Twenty university student organisations have endorsed a statement by
Government fails to adopt latest EU rule of law recommedations – Aditus
The Maltese government has largely ignored the European Commission’s
Eurobarometer: Maltese fear declining standard of living, trust EU democracy more than Malta’s
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. The majority of Maltese are
European Parliament raises fresh concerns on rule of law
During a European Parliament discussion on Monday on the
Media committee report does not stack up to public inquiry recommendations
Recommendations in a report by a government-appointed media committee
PM’s failure to address rule of law recommendations ‘shocking’
Reacting to Prime Minister Robert Abela’s speech in parliament
Migration, enlargement, women high on EC agenda, but democracy is elephant in the room
In her annual State of the European Union (SOTEU)
Amnesty International concerned rule of law reforms ‘insufficient or superficial’
Amnesty International has expressed concern that Malta’s rule of
Malta makes little to no rule of law progress – European Commission report
Malta has made little to no progress in the
Half of Maltese unsatisfied with democracy in Malta – Eurobarometer
Half of the Maltese population is not satisfied with
The smokescreen – Kevin Cassar
“No visible disciplinary or criminal justice response to claims
‘Gross and intentional incompetence’ in Malta, David Casa tells the EP’s plenary
MEP David Casa described “gross and intentional incompetence” throughout
MEPs call on European Commission for more detailed recommendations in its annual rule of law report
In their evaluation of the European Commission’s latest rule
Courts are not there to pass on messages – Chamber of Advocates
The Chamber of Advocates has expressed its disappointment at
Don’t fall for Abela’s ruse
Robert Abela is like that spoiled kid with overindulgent
No improvement in Malta’s standing in the latest rule of law report
Malta’s global rank for the rule of law remains
Monsters and heroes
There are no heroes. In life, the monsters win.
European Parliament resolution calls for withdrawal of FOI appeals against The Shift
Members of the European Parliament are calling on the
Muscat’s mob rule
“Our voice is not one crying in the desert
Brussels names Muscat, Malta shrugs
This week we had two EU reports on Malta’s
‘Full justice must not be denied’ – reactions to European Commission’s rule of law report on Malta
Following the publication of the European Commission’s annual rule
State of the nation – Andre Delicata
It’s no figure of speech to say that the
Rigged – Jacques René Zammit
It is the nature of lotteries that they are
Fresh faces, same old hands – Ranier Fsadni
What do Victoria Buttigieg, Angelo Gafà, Miriam Dalli and
PL and PN battle in ongoing horse-trading over key rule of law watchdogs 
Prime Minister Robert Abela is actively seeking a trade-off
Robert Abela’s alternate reality on Twitter
Twitter, along with other social media platforms, often forms

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