Fort Chambray transfer approved by PL and PN MPs, public will not get a cent
During a short parliamentary meeting, the government and the
Gamblers livid at Vince Marmara as surveys off the mark
Labour’s pollster Vince Marmara made some very unhappy today
Opinion: ‘men of honour’
The ‘Ndrangheta is the richest of Italy’s three major
Opinion: A change of plans
On 1 June, Robert Abela declared, “The PN, while
Human rights lawyers flag bipartisan statements on deportations as attempts to ‘gain populist approval’
Human rights advocacy group aditus foundation was “taken aback”
Report calls for implementation of public inquiry recommendations ‘without delay’
The Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation and ARTICLE 19 Europe
Electoral Commission lacks political will, resources to regulate campaign financing – OSCE
Malta’s Electoral Commission cannot act as an effective regulator
‘I have no plans to open a night club in Mistra’ – Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando has denied plans to push for
Randolph Spiteri still listed as head of operations at Correctional Services Agency despite transfer claims
Contrary to the home affairs ministry’s declaration that the
St Julian’s mayor Albert Buttigieg on ‘fat cats’ and need for politics to return to ‘the common good’
Following public declarations about “fat cats” close to the
One of Blue Lagoon’s deckchair operators was Gozo minister’s canvasser
Mark Cutajar, one of two licensed deckchair operators at
Desperate grandstanding: PN’s dismissal of civil society
Opposition Leader Bernard Grech said on Sunday, without a
Clyde Caruana flooded with Air Malta discrimination claims
The government, along with the General Workers Union, is
Malta’s election to Security Council was uncontested, UN sources say
Malta’s election to become a non-permanent member of the
MIU6 ward at Mater Dei: ‘Showers look like patients are at a camping site’
Patients recovering at Mater Dei Hospital’s MIU6 (Major Incident
Cutting parliament short  – Jacques René Zammit
I happened to come across a random OneTV clip
Media agency fronted by PL activist paid for almost half of Clyde Caruana’s campaign expenses
Almost half of the invoices listed in Finance Minister
PL and PN battle in ongoing horse-trading over key rule of law watchdogs 
Prime Minister Robert Abela is actively seeking a trade-off
Former MPs top campaign expenditure charts for unelected candidates
Former heritage minister Jose’ Herrera tops the list of
The companies that made thousands of euros from PL MPs and their election campaigns
Based on the 2022 general elections campaign expenditure reports
MEPs in Malta – box-ticking can’t hide the reality
If we were to list the tasks Malta was
Electoral commission stonewalls questions about whether all candidates have filed expenditure reports
The Electoral Commission would not confirm whether all candidates
The rules of the game
There was nothing illegal about it. At least not
Trumpeted reform of court expert appointment process stalled since 2013
Almost a decade after government announced it would undertake
Labour knows
The Nationalist Party got thoroughly trashed in the last
A window into Mario Azzopardi’s dark, dark soul
Before I read the script for Mario Azzopardi’s foul
ADPD takes Electoral Commission, State Advocate to constitutional court over electoral discrimination
ADPD, Malta’s longest-standing alternative to PL and PN, held
The many elephants in the election room
On the eve of election day, I was out
Stonewalling politicians and word salad manifestos
One of the most striking aspects of Malta’s 2022
Traditional parties in difficulty as Labour endorsed by less than half voting population
While Labour celebrates its third consecutive victory at the

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