Speaker to investigate The Shift’s revelations on MGA direct orders
Speaker Anglu Farrugia said today he will investigate the
The vandalism of distortion
“The PN has nothing to offer this country and
Lands Authority silent on monopolisation of Armier beach clubs by one operator
Signature Entertainment Group, recently mentioned in news reports relating
Tunnels maintenance project also goes to… Construct Furniture shareholders
The private consortium which was awarded a multi-million contract
Safety in Zombieland 
The first rule of Zombieland: zombies eat brains. If
Labour-linked lawyer Maria Cardona chairs four government boards at the same time
A lawyer with clear links to the Labour Party
Konrad’s antics make Labour the real loser
Konrad Mizzi finally appeared before the Parliamentary Accounts Committee
‘Nuxellina’ learns her fate
How do you solve a problem like Rosianne? The
The political apparatus of hate
When it comes to the latest democratic outrage by
Repubblika: ‘we can’t go back to normal as if nothing is happening’
Facing stormy weather and cold winds, activists from NGO
Better late than never, or is it?
Monday, 11 October, started as a day no different
Labour’s grip on PBS tightens – we know where this is heading
Barely a week after the Center for Media, Data
Factory of lies
What’s happened to PN MP Karol Aquilina over the
Prime minister awards direct order to law firm linked to his parliamentary secretary
A government agency falling under the direct responsibility of
Malta: a flawed democracy
The Economist Intelligence Unit relegated Malta to “a flawed
Public funds for private hobbies
The government has opened the coffers of the National
Government spent at least €89.2 million on questionable direct orders since July 2020
Just five of The Shift’s multiple investigations into government-issued
The enemy is the state 
The State is under siege. Its enemies are everywhere.
PBS erases news item about waterpolo official and Labour activist after call from Castille
A PBS news item reporting disciplinary action against a
Framing the electoral choice
They slipped under the radar, Malta’s most significant responses
A frenzy of coincidental spending
Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo dished out funds to three
Massaging morale
“The success of Team Malta is the Labour Party’s
The unexpected return of the NIMBY voter
Beyond the world of polls and surveys where Labour
The controlled explosion
Nothing shows how much has changed in the relationship
Facts don’t matter
“One News was incorrect and not faithful to the
Pre-election vote buying has already begun
Finance Minister Clyde Caruana wants you to know that
Bedingfield’s banality
Why do ordinary people do appalling things? The political
The tapir and the elephant 
As public demands for his resignation mount, Edward Zammit
‘Groundbreaking confirmation of the role political propaganda played in her death’
An extensive, six-month investigation by The Shift into the

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