Clint Axisa back on Transport Malta books despite criminal charges for sexual harassment
A senior Transport Malta officer who last April had
Mayor critical of Minister Miriam Dalli increases votes in Qormi
Qormi mayor Josef Masini Vento, who publicly and vociferously
Government pays Corinthia company €365,000 direct order for 3-day Agrifair
Aqra bil-Malti. Taxpayers have forked out a direct order
Court fines Lands Authority for frivolous appeal against The Shift
Sitting in the Court of Appeal, Judge Lawrence Mintoff
Opinion: The genius of Jason
Aqra bil-Malti. “Every poll in the last two months
‘Labour pandered to developers and businesses’ – veterans
Professor Dominic Fenech has criticised the Labour Party’s strategy,
Robert Abela takes Labour down to worst result in party’s history
Robert Abela has made history by becoming the most
Opinion: It’s a sick government, and what does that say about us?
“The party begins!” yelled Jan-Erik Olsson while firing a
Canvassers lending their addresses to the Refalos in Xewkija
Details of Minister Anton Refalo’s canvassers who are offering
Mosta mayorship challenger on three government jobs
Former Labour MP Anthony Agius Decelis has been appointed
Minister splits family’s registered address to manipulate daughter’s election prospects
Labour Minister Anton Refalo is leaving no stone unturned
Labour leader defies Ombudsman directive two days after it was issued
Prime Minister Robert Abela breached a new directive prohibiting
Stagno Navarra in financial trouble, again
Labour TV presenter Karl Stagno Navarra, who has a
Opinion: The victorious leader of the victorious people
Joseph Muscat’s close friend Ilham Aliyev just won another
PL candidate complaining about rangers is environment minister’s advisor
The 28-year-old Labour MEP election candidate who made headlines
Concerns raised as Labour Party starts using state schools for partisan activities
The Labour Party in government has started using state
Judicial protest filed by whistleblower alleges social benefits racket cover up
A judicial protest claiming a coordinated cover-up by the
Lack of editorial independence, ‘problematic’ party media main issues in Malta’s media landscape
The most serious issue facing Malta’s media freedom landscape
Majority of government’s 260 leased properties rented since 2018
The vast majority of private properties being leased out
Opinion: Abela turns toxic
“The opposition… pointed a pistol towards Judge Grixti’s head,
Abela fails to explain discrepancy in personal wealth declarations
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. Prime Minister Robert Abela has
Former Xandir Malta boss returns to PBS, age 82
Norman Hamilton, a staunch Labour Party militant and former
Chief civil servant using MITA to buy positive government ‘news’
Tony Sultana, the principal permanent secretary who holds a
Petition against Penza tarmac plant in Mqabba gains ground
Thousands of residents of Mqabba, Qrendi, and Safi have
Party finances: PL in €2 million deficit, PN breaches rules
The Labour Party (PL) reported a deficit of over
PL president fails to produce ‘free cruise’ receipts
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti Labour Party President Ramona Attard
Opinion: Protecting Paul
In the UK, a nurse who claimed overtime payments
Opinion: Covering his own arse
“Don’t you think you should have resigned?” Minister Michael
Tents cleared following The Shift’s report
Updated to include reaction: Unsightly and illegal tents erected

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