No justice without accountability
Robert Abela has no intention of taking serious action
Labour’s Charlon Gouder lands ‘phantom’ €35,000-a-year job at Arts Council
Former One TV reporter-turned lawyer Charlon Gouder has been
This fish rotted from the head down
There’s no proof that the government killed Daphne Caruana
Enabling slavery
On 14 March 2015, Leilei Liao was found in
Bleak house
In April 2020 I had penned a “letter to
Robert Abela’s plan of attack
In Friday’s speech to Labour’s general party conference, Robert
Bluster out of weakness 
Every time Robert Abela states that he has shown
The ruin of dishonesty
“We didn’t deserve it”. “Only three countries wanted us
Horror on a loop
As the islands face yet another monumental crisis, Maltese
Jason Micallef’s foreign interference
President George Vella called for an end to politically
Manifesto magic
Every time Minister Carmelo Abela needs people to focus
Minister Aaron Farrugia’s transparency register still not created, 18 months after pledge
Environment Minister Aaron Farrugia’s pledge to establish and regularly
You’re bankrolling personal fiefdoms
Robert Abela has problems on his hands, and they’re
If you can, you must
Doctors are trained to heal.  They have the capability
Parallel scandals
The former prime minister was sentenced to 12 years
For the people or against?
“One is either for the people or against” Joseph
Glenn Bedingfield swallowed his shoe
Poor Glenn Bedingfield got slapped down. Even Anglu Farrugia
Unfit for office
Minister Carmelo Abela is so dishonourable that he disgraces
Here we go again
The time for platitudes is over. As yet another
Truth is the enemy
“The PN turned the European Parliament against Malta with
Passport perfidy
“We have to agree that the passport programme is
Hijacked nation
The European Parliament’s resolution condemning the Malta Labour Party’s
New companies making a killing from Transport Malta direct orders
Companies recently set up are making a killing out
PBS board director fronts government propaganda
Pablo Micallef, a director on the board of the
Of core principles and values
Ramona Attard, Labour Party president, regaled us with more
We are not OK
It is enough to drive you insane. That feeling
How Labour protects and promotes criminals
“The Labour Party does not protect criminals,” Labour President
Justice and atonement
The Easter period seems to have brought with it
Innocents don’t keep secrets
“There is not a crime, there is not a

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