Disgraced former permanent secretary handed €80,000 a year contract
Frank Fabri, the disgraced former permanent secretary appointed CEO
Corinthia company given €800,000 direct order to start work on Gozo airstrip
The Gozo Ministry, now also responsible for the Planning
TM’s director removed as investigations into RHIBs scandal continue
Patrick Pollacco left his position as the head of
Phyllis Muscat blocks information on art deals at MICAS
Phyllis Muscat, chairwoman of the Malta International Contemporary Arts
Only one bidder for €150 million food tender for government-run hospitals
The government has so far failed to explain how
Government awarded tender to accused kidnapper after court arraignment
Christian Borg, 30, arraigned in January 2022 for a
€29 million in direct orders issued by Infrastructure Malta in six months
Infrastructure Malta has issued some €29 million in direct
Labour MP named in bank heist given job at Mriehel Industrial Estate
Former foreign minister Carmelo Abela, named several times in
Sacked minister set to become ambassador but retains parliament seat
Sacked Transport Minister Aaron Farrugia is set to be
Prime minister’s brother-in-law receives direct order for unspecified legal services
Prime Minister Robert Abela’s brother-in-law, Albert Zerafa, has been
Lands Authority tender to legalise public land takeover after false declarations
The Lands Authority allowed a block of flats to
Johann Grech presents no invoices for €4 million spent on film festival
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti Malta’s Film Commissioner Johann Grech
Former director of Binance, company fined billions in US, living it up in Malta
Updated to include a right of reply by Alexandre
Spanish lawyer paid €111,000 to defend Malta’s EU bird trapping case
The government has hired a top Spanish lawyer, who
Film Commissioner Johann Grech gets €90,000 raise amid mounting scandals
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti Prime Minister Robert Abela has
ONE Radio presenter Manuel Micallef on €60,000 Wasteserv package
Manuel Micallef, a regular host on Labour’s media and
Lack of planning to cost taxpayers €46 million in new leased power plant
Taxpayers will have to pay at least €46 million
Evans Building concession faces second objection from developer Paul Attard
A second objection was filed in front of the
Ex-cannabis boss gets government consultancy advising on drug prevention
Mariella Dimech, the government’s first cannabis regulator who was
Evans concession assigned to Decesare/Weingard consortium despite faulty bid
The Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) has decided
Finance minister issues direct orders to campaign manager
Finance Minister Clyde Caruana has issued direct orders to
Series of attacks on judiciary align to sow doubt ahead of inquiry findings
Prime Minister Robert Abela’s criticisms of the judiciary and
Reputation management firm receives €40,000 direct order ahead of contract worth millions
London-based reputation management company Digitalis, engaged by the government
Prime minister’s mini hotel in Xewkija set for planning approval this week
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. The Planning Authority is this
REVEALED: Air Malta’s consultants got €80,000 a month pay rise after failing
Knighthood Global, the airline consultancy company contracted by the
Government acquires last plot of private Birzebbugia land, paving way for mega development
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. A small plot, forming part
Former Enemalta boss paid over €110,000 at new government agency
Jonathan Cardona, the former Enemalta CEO who was removed
‘New’ airline already paid €200,000 in accommodation, flights for consultants
Former Etihad consultants unsuccessfully engaged to save beleaguered national
PA finally acts on Portelli trucks dumping waste in Mgarr ix-Xini
A part of Mgarr Ix-Xini valley in Gozo, is
Steward faces deluge of court cases over unpaid bills
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. Following recent revelations that a

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