Police investigation into MCAST ‘jobs for votes’ scandal still ongoing
The police have still not concluded criminal investigations into
Central Link road contractors’ consortium among ‘frontrunners’ of bidders for Marsaskala marina
A group of wealthy contractors, considered to be very
Concert contractors left unpaid as €500,000 MTA sponsorship vanishes
Seven Maltese companies, including Public Broadcasting Services, have been
Construct Furniture shareholders awarded millions in government contracts since 2013
Construct Furniture, the company currently facing court proceedings over
OPM says it has ‘no documents’ on €120,000 golden handshake to Joseph Muscat
The Office of the Prime Minister is insisting that
Gozo Ministry ‘completes’ illegal works at Gozo pool project as costs soar by millions of euros
The Planning Authority (PA) is next week expected to
Four bids submitted for Marsascala marina deal, as process proceeds in defiance of public outrage
Four bidders, including two consortia, have formally submitted their
UK stalls on consent for Manuel Mallia to take up diplomatic post
Updated to include response from the British High Commission
Trillion-dollar hedge fund administrator Citco among 21 finance firms to surrender licences since early September
Citco, an international hedge fund administrator  which oversees around
PBS technically bankrupt even as Labour apologists continue to hoover up millions
The latest published accounts of Malta’s national broadcaster PBS
Well-connected lawyers grab €300,000 in legal fees from Gozo Ministry in under three years
A small group of well-connected lawyers, including Simon Schembri,
Ponte Ferries begins sea-testing ferry, but actual start date of new Malta-Sicily service remains elusive
Ponte Ferries, the new ‘low-cost’ catamaran service to Sicily
BUDGET: Government ministries to spend €2.4 billion more in 2022 than in 2021
Last week, the government announced its 2022 budget, which
Six years after his death, family of teenage workplace victim Matthew Bartolo still awaits justice
Six years after the workplace death of a teenager
Dingli quarry has pending appeals from two decades ago, operates with impunity
A quarry on the outskirts of Dingli in which
Justice Minister puts judge’s daughter on his ministry’s payroll
The 26-year old, recently-qualified daughter of former Labour deputy
€8 million Nadur roadworks project has no development permit, PA claims it doesn’t need one
The massive, ongoing €8 million infrastructural project in a
New record: 350 direct orders in 6 months by Transport Malta cost taxpayers €13.6 million
Another raft of direct orders in the first six
REVEALED: Corinthia will in fact pay only €1.3 million, rather than €10 million, for Hal Ferh
Article updated to include Right of Reply by Corinthia.
Exposed: Saviour Balzan received at least €1 million in government contracts under Labour
Malta Today and Illum co-owner Saviour Balzan has raked
Alleged fraudster’s ship servicing company never submitted audited accounts
Updated to include a response from the MFSA. Multinational
Alleged $50 million fraudster released by Maltese courts owns shares in Malta-based companies
Frank Rafaraci, who allegedly defrauded the US Navy of
Another €1 million in direct orders from Ian Borg
Transport Minister Ian Borg has dished out another €1
Prime minister awards direct order to law firm linked to his parliamentary secretary
A government agency falling under the direct responsibility of
Hotel complex on ex-Pulvich factory land in protected area recommended for approval
The controversial application aiming to convert an abandoned explosives

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