Energy crisis: Enemalta paying more than €10,000 an hour for generators
Enemalta is forking out more than  €10,000 an hour
Clint Axisa back on Transport Malta books despite criminal charges for sexual harassment
A senior Transport Malta officer who last April had
Enemalta late on temporary power station as Saudi plant is ‘still in transit’
Enemalta’s mismanagement and kneejerk reactions to another energy crisis
Bangladeshi agencies targeting Malta for €600-a-month jobs
Aqra bil-Malti Bangladeshi recruitment agencies have identified Malta as
Indian files rogue development application to sanction Portelli’s illegal penthouses
Aqra bil-Malti The Planning Authority is evaluating the possibility
Maltese tenor wants to keep Malta taxpayer support secret
Acclaimed Maltese tenor Joseph Calleja wants to prevent the
EXCLUSIVE: Schembri used fake email to manipulate Electrogas negotiations
Aqra bil-Malti At a Glance: Keith Schembri testified under
Man behind Malta data centre scam exposed by The Shift arrested in India
Aqra bil-Malti The man behind what can only be
UPDATED: Pakistani family accused of taking millions from Malta taxpayers
Aqra bil-Malti When the concession for the management of
€500,000 publicly-funded sailing boat left idle for 18 months
Aqra bil-Malti A second-hand sailing boat bought by the
Developer bags a third of Qajjenza site with plans to take over seafront public land
Plans by the secretary general of the Malta Developers
Eyebrows raised as minister’s wedding coincides with film awards set-up
Updated to include minister’s reaction Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo’s
Fort Chambray transfer approved by PL and PN MPs, public will not get a cent
During a short parliamentary meeting, the government and the
Keith Schembri to face trial: Inquiry says he pulled the strings, made millions
The trial against those accused of bribery, fraud and
VGH ‘lobbyist’ ousted from Identity Malta… Marlene Mizzi takes his place
Prime Minister Robert Abela has removed Mario Galea from
Portelli’s illegally built hotel in Mellieha put on the market for €4.2 million
Gozitan developer Joseph Portelli and his associates, including Mark
KM Malta Airlines grounds pilot after The Shift’s revelations
Danica Theuma, a KM Malta Airlines pilot caught flying
Medical Cannabis company owned by Keith Schembri used taxpayer funds from hospitals’ deal
Disgraced former OPM chief of staff Keith Schembri used
‘Millions from Fort Chambray transfer are my right’ – Michael Caruana
Gozitan businessman Michael Caruana insisted it was his right
Court fines Lands Authority for frivolous appeal against The Shift
Sitting in the Court of Appeal, Judge Lawrence Mintoff
‘Nefarious deals’: Keith Schembri’s role in the hospitals’ scandal
Former OPM chief of staff Keith Schembri was well
Accutor payments to Muscat stopped after Swiss bank flagged transactions
The VGH inquiry established that Accutor AG’s monthly payments
Architects Robert Musumeci and Colin Zammit name-dropped for Barts medical school
While in a meeting with Technoline’s Ivan Vassallo and
Government breaks disciplinary code to boost re-election of Rabat mayor
The Office of the Prime Minister has instructed one
Canvassers lending their addresses to the Refalos in Xewkija
Details of Minister Anton Refalo’s canvassers who are offering
‘Money laundering trials set up to fail’
As questions continue to be raised about the millions
VGH inquiry fallout: DF lawyers out of Shoreline, Convenience Shop boards
Aqra bil-Malti Public-listed companies, The Convenience Shop (Holding) PLC
Government refuses to disclose KM Malta pilots and cabin crew contracts
Aqra bil-Malti. The contracts KM Malta Airlines signed with
Cancer treatment project used to siphon off public funds
A multi-million-euro facility aimed at improving the treatment of
Michelle Muscat’s philanthropy: Gives less, spends more
Michelle Muscat, wife of disgraced former prime minister Joseph

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