Tourism minister, ministry contradict each other on free concert tickets
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo and
Sacked Enemalta boss rewarded with another top government role
Jonathan Cardona has been transferred back to his former
Policy officer with no experience in policy given promotion before being seconded to Marigold Foundation
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. The former personal assistant of
Bookings with Air Malta’s replacement start over the phone with no website
Passengers trying to book flights with Malta’s new national
MFSA spends €160,000 on media, PR in three years
The Malta Financial Services Authority has spent over €160,000
How ‘super-CEO’ Fenech ‘facilitated’ Cutajar’s ‘fraudulent’ consultancy
‘Super-CEO’ Pierre Fenech covered and vouched for former Labour
Health minister denies FOI request: doctors’ salaries ‘not in the public interest’
A collective agreement regulating the work conditions of some
UPDATED: Air Malta’s nameless replacement misses first milestone, doesn’t take bookings
Updated to include KM Malta Airlines statement following The
ARMS boss takes no action on serious breaches by CFO
Joseph Attard, the government-appointed CEO of ARMS Ltd, has
Refalo, Bonnici maintain silence over stone marker, heritage register proposal
Agriculture Minister Anton Refalo and Heritage Minister Owen Bonnici
Public service chief in spending spree on parties, propaganda, Labour suppliers
This article is available in Maltese. The head of
Police urged to arrest all involved in Rosianne Cutajar fraudulent, ‘phantom’ job
Malta’s ADPD-The Green Party has asked the police to
National Audit Office slams Rosianne Cutajar’s ‘fraudulent’ and ‘backdated’ ITS contract
A report by the National Audit Office (NAO) found
Air Malta chairman replaced ahead of anticipated move to new airline
Philip von Brockdorff, a university professor already sitting on
Rosianne Cutajar escapes ethics probe into ‘potentially ingenuine’ consultancy
Former Labour parliamentary secretary Rosianne Cutajar has avoided an
Air Malta can’t explain ‘glitch’ causing junior minister’s flight ‘commotion’
Air Malta has refused to give information on the
TM withholds payments of €1 million RHIBs
Transport Malta is withholding almost €1 million in payments
OPM protects MUMN Head Paul Pace, refusing FOI request
The Office of the Prime Minister’s Permanent Secretary has
Ian Borg: No action taken over diplomat’s connection to fugitive fraudster
Two years after a Standards Commission report raised concerns
Air Malta needs ‘more time’ to shed light on multi-million euro consultancy costs
Air Malta has not yet been able to collate
Contractor becomes BCA chief officer through JobsPlus register
A self-employed contractor who in 2021 received thousands of
INDIS confirms inaction on SME park taken over by Joseph Portelli
Economy Minister Silvio Schembri has confirmed that an industrial
Government takes another step to allow Birżebbuġa land grab
The government has taken what appears to be another
Prime Minister acquires land to expand guesthouse in Xewkija
Tista taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. Prime Minister Robert Abela
Marmara, Musumeci get more lucrative government consultancy contracts
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. Labour pollster Vince Marmara and
Justice commissioner in hot water over fresh criminal complaint
While already facing one set of criminal charges in
Transport Malta maritime official suspended over corruption racket claims
Tista taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. A senior official at
No clarity on actions taken against ‘in principle’ cannabis licensee violating rules
The executive chairman of the national cannabis regulator, Leonid
Evans bidders ordered to extend bid as OPM scrambles to solve impasse
Tista taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. The ongoing evaluation of
Contractor to transfer old concrete and tarmac batching plants to Mqabba
Residents of Mqabba and other neighbouring villages are opposing

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