Mayor’s ‘secret’ deal on Gharb football ground scrapped
A deal made by outgoing Gharb Mayor David Apap
Government awards late, overbudget pool as its ‘project of the year’
A €14 million Olympic-sized pool at the Cottonera Sports
Fort Chambray transfer approved by PL and PN MPs, public will not get a cent
During a short parliamentary meeting, the government and the
VGH ‘lobbyist’ ousted from Identity Malta… Marlene Mizzi takes his place
Prime Minister Robert Abela has removed Mario Galea from
Former Enemalta Chair admits Montenegro wind farm deal was not in Malta’s interest
Jonathan Scerri, Enemalta chairman between 2021 and 2022, admitted
WasteServ issues bizarre statement on court drubbing over €600m incinerator
The government entity responsible for waste management has issued
Portelli’s illegally built hotel in Mellieha put on the market for €4.2 million
Gozitan developer Joseph Portelli and his associates, including Mark
KM Malta Airlines grounds pilot after The Shift’s revelations
Danica Theuma, a KM Malta Airlines pilot caught flying
Further delays anticipated as surprise bids submitted for interconnector
The installation of a second electricity interconnector between Malta
Finance Minister again attempts to hide KM Malta chairman’s contract
Finance Minister Clyde Caruana is again attempting to hide
Malta wages register the largest drop in EU
A new EU report shows that Malta’s booming economy,
Bumpy ride expected for Zammit Lewis en route to Luxembourg
Prime Minister Robert Abela’s nominee for the post of
AirX distances itself from its founder’s alleged actions in €386 million lawsuit
AirX, the Maltese-registered private jet company facing a €386
‘Millions from Fort Chambray transfer are my right’ – Michael Caruana
Gozitan businessman Michael Caruana insisted it was his right
Sheep farm application coincides with applicant’s son contesting local council elections
An application submission to turn public ODZ farmland in
Fort Chambray: Government to allow developer to make millions from transfer of public land
The government will allow Gozitan developer Michael Caruana to
Mayor critical of Minister Miriam Dalli increases votes in Qormi
Qormi mayor Josef Masini Vento, who publicly and vociferously
Government pays Corinthia company €365,000 direct order for 3-day Agrifair
Aqra bil-Malti. Taxpayers have forked out a direct order
Court fines Lands Authority for frivolous appeal against The Shift
Sitting in the Court of Appeal, Judge Lawrence Mintoff
KM Malta pilot caught flying for another airline in breach of safety rules
Several pilots employed with Malta’s new state-funded air carrier,
Criminally charged mayors increase votes
Two mayors facing criminal charges of misappropriation of public
Thousands of foreign workers in peril as agencies operate illegally
Aqra bil-Malti. Thousands of foreign workers, mostly third-country nationals
Minister Anton Refalo’s daughter elected mayor as reports of fake residences ignored by the party
Veteran Labour Minister Anton Refalo trounced his archrival Minister
Gharb football committee resigns after mayor leases ground to rivals
A second-division football club in Gozo, Gharb Rangers FC,
Accutor payments to Muscat stopped after Swiss bank flagged transactions
The VGH inquiry established that Accutor AG’s monthly payments
Architects Robert Musumeci and Colin Zammit name-dropped for Barts medical school
While in a meeting with Technoline’s Ivan Vassallo and
PL’s establishment candidates defeated
PN MEP-elect and outgoing President of the European Parliament
Robert Abela takes Labour down to worst result in party’s history
Robert Abela has made history by becoming the most
Gamblers livid at Vince Marmara as surveys off the mark
Labour’s pollster Vince Marmara made some very unhappy today
BOV imposes a 70-year age limit on board members
BOV shareholders and other members of the public who

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