Chief civil servant using MITA to buy positive government ‘news’
Tony Sultana, the principal permanent secretary who holds a
Revealed: PM Abela acquired Valletta flat from government for only €3,000
Aqra bil-Malti. Prime Minister Robert Abela and his wife
Natura 2000 Xlendi restaurant sanctioned for €1,800 fine
A large restaurant in a Natura 2000 protected area
‘We are not moving from here’ – Villa Frere occupiers tell Lands Authority
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. The Spiteri family, accused by
Miriam Dalli gives Joseph Cuschieri’s daughter a €13,000 payrise
Energy Minister Miriam Dalli, who gave former disgraced  MFSA
Public service reshuffle keeps scandal-ridden permanent secretaries in place
While former transport minister Aaron Farrugia may have lost
Wife of OPM chief of staff is architect of Qajjenza’s public land grab by developer
Architect Nadine Micallef, the wife of Prime Minister Robert
Sculpture acquired for €0.5 million bought from MICAS director’s client
A sculpture by a renowned Swiss artist, Ugo Rondinone,
Rosianne Cutajar targets opposition MPs over public sector jobs
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. Disgraced former Labour Party MP
Court rejects BOV board member’s ‘too late’ plea to be included in meetings
James Grech, the longest-serving member on the board of
PBS censors controversial past of Miriam Dalli’s disgraced appointee
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. When reporting on the government’s
Government to spend €600,000 on Selmun restoration before privatisation
Taxpayers are set to pay some €600,000 for the
Transport Malta allowing irregular limos to remain on roads despite ongoing court case
Transport Malta has found itself amid a new controversy
Gozo ministry’s ‘habitual’ abuse of procurement processes continued into 2023
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. Gozo Ministry’s “habitual abuse” of
Steward being sued over unpaid coffee bills
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. Steward Health Care, which in
Thousands of ‘private sector’ workers put on government payroll
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. The Shift has established that
The stories that stuck: The Shift team describes 2023’s most memorable stories
Many journalists will tell you that they are motivated
Former minister appointed as Malta Development Bank chairman
Former Minister and veteran Labour Party MP Leo Brincat
Appeal hearing against flats in Ggantija slated for January as opposition surges
Tens of objectors have already asked the Environmental and
Malta Enterprise chief’s rental SUV among scores of direct orders handed out in just six months
Kurt Farrugia – disgraced former Prime Minister Joseph Muscat’s
Minister Dalli pushing disgraced former MFSA boss to take over Project Green
Energy Minister Miriam Dalli is pushing for appointing disgraced
President Vella likely to stay put after end of term
Tista taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. President George Vella could
Gozo ministry’s permanent secretary ‘habitually’ abusing procurement rules
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. Gozo’s Ministry Permanent Secretary John
GWU gets €1.6m per year off ‘unemployed’, Auditor General confirms
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. Data extrapolated from a new
Systematic abuse and theft in overtime, allowances at Mt Carmel Hospital
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. The operations of the government’s
Number of asylum seekers arriving in Malta reaches record low
Only 745 applications from asylum seekers were presented to
Influencer paid €1000 to advertise, market state company with no competitors
A Labour TV personality, Claire Agius, is being paid
Constitutional reform committee left dormant by President Vella
Members of the bi-partisan Constitutional Reform Committee, tasked in
Transport Malta RHIBs tender evaluated in just one day
A 2020 tender issued by Transport Malta to purchase
Gozo Channel issues €730,000 tender for work on unused office
Gozo Channel, which has been running at a significant

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