Malita CEO denies electoral fraud claims, files police report
The CEO of Malita Investments plc has filed a
Comino deckchair concessionaire now also ferry service shareholder
Daniel Refalo, one of the two concessionaires offering the
Mizzi compensated for being ditched so PM could appoint sister-in-law
Former Transport Minister Joe Mizzi, 72, one of the
Law students again denounce PM’s attacks on judiciary
The Law Students Society (GħSL) again denounced the prime
Court stops Gaffarena’s ‘cowboy’ attempt to evict farmers from land
Rogue property speculator Mark Gaffarena, notorious for a series
PBS board member rallying the masses to support Joseph Muscat
PBS board member Norman Hamilton is calling for people
PA to approve five more years of irregular Ta’ Qali conventions tent
The large tent structure next to the Ta’ Qali
Archbishop silent on charges faced by Curia financial committee member
Aqra bil-Malti. Archbishop Charles Scicluna is refusing to answer
NAO unaware of shooting range settlement as PAC scrutiny begins
Officials from the National Audit Office (NAO) said they
Freedom of Information request shows €700,000 spent on failed Biennale so far
Heritage Malta spent €700,000 to organise the first edition
Malta’s top-rated restaurant promises (again) to remove illegal structures
The owner of Valletta’s ION Harbour, a restaurant that
Ministers seek to consolidate stronghold in Gozo with local council elections
The competition between three sitting Labour ministers in Gozo
Hospitals’ inquiry first casualty: Joseph Rapa removed from APS Bank board
Joseph Rapa, the former Health Ministry Permanent Secretary facing
Malta at Putin’s inauguration as EU and US boycott event
Updated with ministry reply Malta sent its ambassador to
Stagno Navarra in financial trouble, again
Labour TV presenter Karl Stagno Navarra, who has a
Deal reached with Bonnici Brothers over €13 million shooting range debacle
Documents tabled in parliament indicate that the government has
Film Commissioner starts new spending spree coinciding with PL’s campaign
Film Commissioner Johann Grech continues to resist questions on
No planning law reform a year after prime minister’s commitment
Aqra bil-Malti It’s been over a year since Prime
Taxpayers paid €611,000 for Saviour Balzan’s TV programmes for PBS
Over €600,000 have been used by the state broadcaster
‘Farmer’ tries duping PA using his wife in new development application
A few years ago, the Planning Authority and the
Smart City: Latest CEO departs as master plan revision suspended
Smart City Malta Ltd, the Dubai government company given
Zebbug thoroughfare ruined by construction debris, no action by BCA
Large stretches of Zebbug’s main thoroughfare, Mdina Road, are
Malta Airport to lift 16-year-old ban on liquids, electronics
By the end of the year, Malta International Airport
Housing minister’s constituents top list for social housing units
An analysis of new information presented in parliament following
PBS director supplied Robert Abela’s New York tickets
Hamilton Travel, owned by Labour stalwart and PBS board
Lands Auditor won’t explain legalising public land grab
Charmaine Muscat, the Lands Authority auditor tasked with flagging
Report confirms shoddy work on €13 million shooting range
A technical report by government consultant Robert Musumeci confirms
Gozo Ministry blocks information on Nadur road project
Gozo Minister Clint Camilleri has instructed ministry officials not
ITS architect fined for bad workmanship in separate Fgura project
Colin Zammit, the owner of  Mosta-based architectural firm Maniera

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