Finance Minister again attempts to hide KM Malta chairman’s contract
Finance Minister Clyde Caruana is again attempting to hide
‘Millions from Fort Chambray transfer are my right’ – Michael Caruana
Gozitan businessman Michael Caruana insisted it was his right
PBS spend questioned, as veterans say figures make no sense
An analysis by The Shift of how PBS distributed
Parliament rubber stamps agreement with Anglu Xuereb on his illegal lidos
Parliament wrote off 37 years of illegalities committed by
Government to enable Anglu Xuereb to regularise illegal Qawra lidos
Aqra bil-Malti The government will be asking parliament to
Prime Minister found guilty of ethics breach, refuses to apologise
Prime Minister Robert Abela was found to be in
PN opposition counters Rosianne Cutajar’s questions on government jobs
Opposition Nationalist Party MPs have retaliated to a flurry
Abela’s new cabinet to cost more than €21 million a year in salaries
Prime Minister Robert Abela’s cabinet reshuffle, unexpectedly announced on
Parliament summer recess, prime time for sneaking in legislation
When Culture Minister Owen Bonnici issued Legal Notice 201/23
Opinion: A cunning plan
Speaker Anglu Farrugia and Standards Commissioner Joseph Azzopardi hatched
Clyde Caruana admits he misled parliament
In yet another letter to the Speaker of the
Finance minister and Air Malta hid chairman’s terms for 18 months
It took over a year and a half for
FOI reveals Caruana lied to Parliament, Air Malta chair paid €21,500 a month
While Finance Minister Clyde Caruana informed Parliament just before
Opposition calls for ‘immediate’ publication of media committee report
The Opposition has called on the government to “immediately”
Abela the autocrat – Kevin Cassar
Last Monday, Prime Minister Robert Abela unilaterally overturned a
Labour MPs want PAC paused until October although Muscat is available
Even though disgraced former prime minister Joseph Muscat has
Jean Paul Sofia vigil goes ahead as planned as thousands call for justice
The vigil for construction site victim Jean Paul Sofia
Speaker of the House can never be investigated by Standards Commissioner
A legal lacuna has cropped up that means the
Joseph Muscat’s fading memory – Kevin Cassar
Joseph Muscat confirmed that nobody should believe a word
Ars gratia artis (Art for art’s sake)
‘Art for art’s sake’ is an expression of the
Bartolo stonewalls parliament on illegal Mellieha hotel that he had approved
Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo could not inform Parliament about
MPs’ new draft code of ethics still doesn’t sanction violations – Council of Europe
The fact that Malta’s draft new code of ethics
Declarations of assets: Prime Minister managed to save half his salary in 2022
Prime Minister Robert Abela has declared he managed to
Standards Commissioner declines to investigate again and ‘buries the report’
The new Commissioner for Standards in Public Life, Joseph
Landmark judgement rules FIAU anti-money laundering fines unconstitutional
In a landmark judgement that is expected to catalyse
Parliamentary committee votes to give coastal areas to developers
Parliament’s standing committee for environment and development planning this
Protesters outraged over hospitals deal and verdict pack Freedom Square
Hundreds of protesters incensed over Friday’s Vitals-Steward hospitals concession
Abela slammed for €300 million hospitals swindle, PM passes the buck to Muscat
The Nationalist opposition this evening called upon the Labour
Grech, Delia challenge PM to come clean to the House on hospital deals role
Opposition leader Bernard Grech and MP Adrian Delia are

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