PA initiates action against Qala illegal pools, minister’s pool untouched
The Planning Authority (PA) has started to take legal
Malta at Putin’s inauguration as EU and US boycott event
Updated with ministry reply Malta sent its ambassador to
No planning law reform a year after prime minister’s commitment
Aqra bil-Malti It’s been over a year since Prime
From Naxxar to Namibia: Councillor to be appointed ambassador
Malta’s Foreign Minister Ian Borg has nominated a Labour
Police handed internal TM investigation on RHIBs scandal – no charges issued yet
Aqra bil-Malti Transport Malta has confirmed that it has
€70,000 ‘solar footpath’ in Rabat road falls short of promises
A €70,000 ‘solar footpath’ containing embedded solar panels installed
Court revokes permits for Joseph Portelli flats, already built and sold
The Planning Authority is in a new fix on
TM’s director removed as investigations into RHIBs scandal continue
Patrick Pollacco left his position as the head of
Ta’ Qali ‘regeneration’ delayed until 2025 amid confusion on budget
While Public Works Minister Chris Bonett has announced the
Illegal batching plants to continue without permits for at least 4 years
Tista taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. Illegal tarmac and concrete
NGOs call on Malta government to support Israel genocide case at international court
A coalition of Maltese NGOs has called on the
Transport Malta RHIBs tender evaluated in just one day
A 2020 tender issued by Transport Malta to purchase
Ta’ Qali park project quadruples in cost with ‘weak internal controls’ – NAO
An over budget and still unfinished project to regenerate
Driving licences scandal: phone calls lead to Borg’s customer care, ministry
Tista’ taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti While Minister Ian Borg
Contractors bag extra €7m for Mriehel underpass, only to create new bottleneck
Commuters are complaining about the new, half-finished, underpass on
National Audit Office asked to investigate €420,000 in direct orders for metro launch
The Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation has asked the National
Metro promo: Ian Borg split €420,000 bill from TEC into 20 direct orders to avoid issuing tender
Tista’ taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti hawn. An investigation by
Minister struggles to explain Ian Borg’s tents bonanza
New Transport Minister Aaron Farrugia continued to stonewall information
Company awarded €0.5 million in direct orders in 1 day provided tents for minister’s campaign
The Events Company, better known as TEC, provided Minister
It’s not what it looks like
While members of government have become particularly adept at
Two consortia accuse Minister Ian Borg of breaching procurement rules on Gozo tunnel project
A controversial project to construct an underwater tunnel between
Transport operator challenges ‘illegal’ secret ferry concession to Zammit Tabona – Bianchi Group
Updated to include ‘Right of Reply’ received from Marsamxetto
Grand Harbour ‘secret’ concession extension: review board dismisses challenge on technicality
The Public Contracts Review Board (PCRB) has rejected a
Minister of Concrete on the Isle of Cement
“The tree which moves some to tears of joy
Borg’s blasphemy
Minister Ian Borg blasphemed – in public, on live

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