Joe’s expensive smoke and mirrors
Joseph Muscat knew he was in trouble when Daphne
Labour lawyers ‘club’ at Lands Authority
All lawyers, with one exception, currently engaged by the
Robert Abela’s promotions for those who pushed Joseph Muscat’s propaganda
Robert Abela’s government is following the same pattern as
A tale of wilful blindness
Electrogas director and shareholder Paul Apap Bologna was cautioned
Another day, another direct order
What do arms dealers and zookeepers know about medical
‘Move to freeze Schembri’s assets underlines importance of public inquiry’
The Council of Europe Special Rapporteur Pieter Omtzigt has
You paid for their propaganda
The public broadcaster is taking orders from the Labour
Victim or villain?
The efficient labour media, and that includes PBS, have
Gozo’s Labour feud spills into community cleaning
A feud among Labour protagonists in Qala has intensified
Air Malta defends Stagno Navarra’s TV appearances despite contract infringements
Air Malta, the ailing national airline which is seeking
Direct orders to Party loyalists for cultural events total €3m in 6 months
State cultural agencies in Malta, under the political patronage
Lands Authority refuses to publish former Gozo Minister’s new contract
The article has been updated to include a reply
Norma Saliba’s appointment as PBS Head of News increases concern in a problematic media landscape
The Board of Directors at national broadcaster PBS has
Melvin Theuma and the State
It is natural to entertain the worst suspicions when
A Constitution for the Parties
I write this article 1000 days since a particularly
Let them eat baked beans
The last few months have been tough and the
Dear Joe, we’ve seen this before
“The whole bunch of them should resign en masse.
Labour’s Church of Victimology
“Don’t blame the victim”. Finance Minister Edward Scicluna’s comments
Robert Abela rewrites history
Only one mistake, eh? For Robert Abela that is
Stagno Navarra gets a reserved parking spot in one of Malta’s busiest localities
Sliema residents have expressed their indignation at Labour propagandist
Robert Abela’s chief of staff gets €14,000 salary top up through second job
Clyde Caruana, the new chief of staff at the
The writing on the wall
A friend forwarded me a clip of Eddie Fenech
It’s time for Europol to intervene
The brutal killing of Daphne Caruana Galizia will not
The woman who will not be forgotten
As each testimony in the ongoing court trial on
The kink in the armour
Government ministers have a new buzzword. They tell us
It looks bad because it is bad
“It looks bad, but it’s not.” So said Edward
Why is Cardona still walking around?
The Deputy Leader of the Labour Party is accused
€6 million in direct orders from the Prime Minister’s Office in 3 years
The Office of the Prime Minister dished out close
Chamber of Advocates slams Labour media for ‘attack’ directed at lawyer
The Chamber of Advocates has called out Labour Party
What are they so desperate to hide?
Someone sure doesn’t want Joseph Muscat’s resignation letter to

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