Subsidising energy while Electrogas scores
As the European Union sprints into recession, the finance
Labour Party withdraws planning application with change of CEO
A planning application the Labour Party submitted last February
Life after Labour – Kevin Cassar
“Grech obtains the worst results,” was Labour TV ONE’s
Five years of stalling and avoiding
Representatives of the world’s leading press freedom groups are
University’s faculty boards filled with Labour Party loyalists
The government has once again chosen to act in
Planning Authority mulling over sanctioning illegal hotel development in Sliema
A Sliema hotel fraught with construction illegalities – such
Revolving doors: public officials who went on to serve big business
In a move that has raised eyebrows, former finance
Marmara lands another €24,000 direct order for ‘research’
Labour’s survey guru Vince Marmara has landed a new
Report calls for implementation of public inquiry recommendations ‘without delay’
The Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation and ARTICLE 19 Europe
The not-so-smart city – Noel Grima
It was when Lawrence Gonzi was prime minister and
Infrastructure Malta board: a partisan club
The new board of directors of Infrastructure Malta is
Media experts committee mum on reforms while government sits on recommendations
The press experts committee appointed by the prime minister
Board approves €24 million tender despite tainted procedure
The Public Contracts Review Board (PCRB) is allowing the
How the PAC’s investigation into Electrogas was derailed
The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) was created to audit
Government gives golden boost to Joseph Portelli’s Mercury project
Labour party donor and Gozitan construction magnate Joseph Portelli
Tailspin – Kevin Cassar
Time flies when we’re having fun. The gap between
‘The State’s money should not be used for political purposes’ – Standards Commissioner
Former standards commissioner George Hyzler on Thursday defended the
Workers left guessing as Transport Malta demerger plan is revisited
The government may soon be announcing a major U-turn
One of Blue Lagoon’s deckchair operators was Gozo minister’s canvasser
Mark Cutajar, one of two licensed deckchair operators at
Lynn Faure Chircop’s overnight conversion: no more criticism of Robert Abela after he gave her two government jobs
Former Labour candidate and Eurovision singer Lynn Faure Chircop
2 ministers, 120 direct orders worth €2 million in the run-up to elections
Former justice minister Edward Zammit Lewis and Transport Minister
MIU6 ward at Mater Dei: ‘Showers look like patients are at a camping site’
Patients recovering at Mater Dei Hospital’s MIU6 (Major Incident
Questions raised about whether PBS has filed reports showing how it spent taxpayers’ cash
The Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) is obliged to submit
The ‘good thief’: Debono Grech, 83, is PM’s special delegate for €40,000 a year
Taxpayers have sustained 83-year-old former Labour Minister Joe Debono
The companies that made thousands of euros from PL MPs and their election campaigns
Based on the 2022 general elections campaign expenditure reports
‘We need the truth about who is spying on everyone in Malta’ – Daphne Foundation
Referring to yet another complaint about notorious electoral data
Media shapes ideas, even dangerous ones
What people consume as news will shape the slant
Back in business
They’re back in business. It took only a few
Labour knows
The Nationalist Party got thoroughly trashed in the last

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