Life after Labour – Kevin Cassar

“Grech obtains the worst results,” was Labour TV ONE’s headline after a recent survey put the Opposition Leader’s trust ratings at an all-time low of just over 18%.

A picture of a smiling, youthful Robert Abela was uploaded next to one of a sour-faced Bernard Grech. “The trust in Robert Abela is strong,” ONE bragged.

There is no denying the surveys paint a depressing picture both for the opposition and its leader. But ONE’s concocted delight in the opposition’s misery and its manipulative narrative is intended to hide from its readers the truly sobering message for Labour.

Out of those who voted Labour just six months ago, 17.2% wouldn’t vote Labour today. Close to 8% would not vote, 8.6% don’t know who they would vote for, and a smaller proportion would vote for ADPD.

Almost one in five of those who voted Labour in March wouldn’t vote for Labour again. Labour is shedding voters by the busload.

But there’s more depressing news for Labour.  Among the youngest voters, aged 16 to 35, only 28% would vote Labour if an election were held tomorrow.

True, even fewer would vote for PN – a miserable 7.3%. But the support for ADPD in that age bracket is an unprecedented 8.3%.

Despite Labour’s swagger, the country’s youngest voters are sending a clear message. They are fed up with the current state of affairs. They want a new beginning.

While Labour may find solace in the even more catastrophic showing of its rivals, they must surely have felt that cold shiver running down their spine. 28% support is abysmal. They must know that things are about to change for them – and fast.

Labour attempts to bury its own bad news by broadcasting the worse news of its rivals. ‘They’re worse off than us’ is Labour’s rallying cry.

Labour’s strategy is to inflict a pervasive pessimism onto that significant majority of the population that does not support Labour. Despite Labour’s bluff, despite its arrogant sense of entitlement, only 39% of the population supports Labour.

Labour’s biggest fear is that 61% of Maltese voters who don’t support it might unite for a common purpose and punish Labour for its unrelenting abuse of power and betrayal of the people’s trust. And Labour is expending all its energy to discredit and demolish any potential adversary.

And its strategy has worked, until now.  That pessimism that Labour administers in gay abandon has seeped into the national psyche.

There is a general feeling of doom that this is what the country is, and there is nothing that can be done to change it. That pessimism is what blocks solutions.

It infects citizens with draining helplessness and hopelessness that guarantees not only stagnation but also regression. Each new scandal, each worse than the previous, is just met with a shrug.

That pessimism enables Labour to dominate, despite its low trust ratings among the whole population and particularly abysmal support among the young.

Labour’s well-funded and highly organised propaganda has convinced people that Labour is unassailable, that there is no point opposing it, and that Labour will stay in power.  Many have swallowed Labour’s lies that there is no possibility of real change.

Labour’s managed to convince many that corruption is part of life and cannot be eradicated. If Labour succeeds in its strategy of pessimism, that would be its biggest triumph – because pessimism robs us of the energy to push back and resist and drives us into apathy and disinterest.

It makes everybody give up. And that is precisely what Labour wants.

There is only one genuinely formidable weapon against Labour’s attempt to spread despondency – and that is optimism. Dr Hannah Ritchie wrote an eye-opening article in The Big Think titled, ‘An end to doomerism’. She eloquently elucidated why optimism is the answer.

Optimism, she argues, is about seeing problems as challenges that can be solved and knowing there is a lot that can be done to make a difference. Optimism is hope and confidence about the future, an impatient demand that spurs action.

Progress is possible. There are alternatives to Labour’s stinking sleaze. Institutionalised corruption needn’t be a given.

We can solve this problem that is Labour, and we will. We’ve lived through bleaker times.

We’ve touched desperation.  But it didn’t break us.  It fuelled our lust for change, transformation, revival and success.

Would anybody have thought that the destitute depressing island with third-world infrastructure that was Mintoff’s Malta could be transformed into a prosperous EU member state within 17 years?

Could anybody have imagined that a hell hole of a country without even a reliable water and energy supply would achieve a standard of living comparable to Western European countries?

Even in the darkest days, when anti-government protesters were met with tear gas, baton rounds and live ammunition for daring to exercise their right to freedom of association, we knew it wouldn’t last.

Even when Labour thugs sprayed machine gun fire at opposition party clubs, killing an innocent supporter, there was still hope.

Even when the police framed another innocent man for the murder of that young supporter, optimism survived.

Even when everything we detested – fanaticism, intimidation, violence, humorlessness, philistinism and coarseness – went against everything we loved – respect, politeness, decency, freedom and irreverence – our spirit wasn’t extinguished.

Optimism survives. Most of our life is past. But we have children – and a future worth fighting for. We are not doomed.

We are not pessimists.  The country is slowly waking up. It is now dawning on an ever more significant part of our population that things could, should and will be so much better.  There is life after Labour. And it’s coming – soon.

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Joseph Licari
2 years ago

This article is fine. It even contains pearls of English prose: “in gay abandon” (!), “draining helplessness and hopelessness”, “the energy to push back” (!), “Labour’s stinking sleaze” and the whole paragraph “Even when everything … our spirit wasn’t extinguished”. But there is at least one thing that the Labour government is doing right. It is not being submissive to the Catholic church.. In particular it has shown ‘the energy to push back’ at the campaign led by the Church and its shrill NGOs in favour of an open door policy to an indefinite number of illegal immigrants coming by boat from the South and the East. On the other hand, PN and putative Nationalist spokesmen are still voicing support for the invasion. They pose as progressive intellectuals. Progressive my foot. quiz them about their views on divorce, gay rights, abortion and other current societal issues. You will probably find they are tied hands and feet to the Catholic church and its Jesuit sect. Can we do something about this? “Optimism survives”. I am an optimist.

carmel Cilia
carmel Cilia
2 years ago
Reply to  Joseph Licari

I don’t know what the government is doing about immigrants but if I am correct it was a foreigner who was getting boatloads of immigrants illegally entering Malta during the night. Walking across the front from Bugibba to qawra last week I counted 54 foreigners against two locals walking on the front. At this rate in 30 years time the Maltese would become the minority at their birthplace and then addio Labour and addio PN and with them addio Malta.

Astrid Vella
2 years ago
Reply to  Joseph Licari

So according to you, selling Maltese citizenship to foreign criminals, ‘importing’ foreign workers as if they’re chattels, while letting those really in need die at sea is morally acceptable.
That attitude to migrants takes hypocrisy to new levels, and disgusts me, as do you, upholding it.

2 years ago

Spending Galore!!!
Air Malta redundancies could near €60 million for 345 employees

Francis Said
Francis Said
2 years ago

An excellent article that people of goodwill should read and consider seriously
To quote Barack Obama Yes we can.

saviour mamo
saviour mamo
2 years ago

Robert Abela is making the future of the young generation very difficult and look bleak with the rise of the unsustainable national debt. At the moment, he is looking nice with the electorate by giving freebies to one and all. This shows that the country isn’t earning enough, and he is turning to debt. This debt has to be paid back probably not by us but surely by future generation.

Godfrey Leone Ganado
Godfrey Leone Ganado
2 years ago

One of the gang of Labour thugs who sprayed machine gun fire at PN clubs, and killed an innocent bystander, even produced a female minister for the Labour mafia government, and mechanisms, though not of machine guns, became her mantra.

Antoine Vella
Antoine Vella
2 years ago

It is pessimism that forces so many young Maltese desperately want to go live abroad. Perhaps I’m being pessimistic too but I don’t blame them.

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