State funding of the independent media
Media freedom is what it says – freedom from
‘Old’ data no excuse for severity of information leaked – lawyer
A massive data leak containing personal information on 75%
Will Pilatus Bank owner cooperate with justice or try to flee?
As the court case against Pilatus Bank owner, Ali
Labour’s playbook catches coronavirus
When they tell you it’s not about the money,
Electrogas: A list of the people who benefit from the corrupt deal
It is not only Yorgen Fenech – the man
Public Inquiry Board warns PM’s staff: ‘We’re troubled by your lack of credibility’
The credibility of Nigel Vella, the Deputy Head of
The general election we deserve
Imagine this. A general election is called tomorrow for
‘And that is my mother’
For the first time in more than two years
State-sponsored trolling continued even after Caruana Galizia’s death
Malta was one of the few countries where State-sponsored
Celebrating a shipwreck?
Crowds will throng the streets of Valletta today to
Well that didn’t last very long, did it?
Robert Abela cast a faint glow of hope during
Restoration won’t fix flawed democracy
It’s easier to gain five kilos than to lose
You’re about to reap what Joseph Muscat sowed
If you want to know the truth, read the
Robert Abela set a new record
On his first day in office, Abela gave to
Donations to Labour Party always ‘above board’ – Sandro Chetcuti
Malta Development Association head Sandro Chetcuti confirmed that businesses
If this is normal
Sunday morning broke with the news that Robert Abela
Robert Abela faces the world
So, it’s Robert Abela, after all, who’s our next
What’s up double doc?
If I could, I’d remove both Robert Abela and
Who changed Omtzigt’s Wikipedia page?
Council of Europe Special Rapporteur Pieter Omtzigt described being
Pushing for change
A month ago, soon after Joseph Muscat announced his
Sandro Chetcuti had office on fourth floor of PL’s HQ – Anġlu Farrugia
Head of Malta Developer’s Association Sandro Chetcuti had an
The Unbearable Ugliness of Being Joseph
Kemm hu ikrah li tkun intom. (How ugly it
Joseph Muscat’s insurance policy
One week to go and Labour gets a new
Labour Party leader candidates need to take the right bold decisions
An open letter to Labour Party candidates Chris Fearne
‘Blokka Bajda’ police officer involved in Daphne’s murder investigation
Assistant Police Commissioner Kevin Farrugia, named today in the
Ask what you can do for your country
A lot of us have spent over three years
Uncomfortably dumb through Yuletide
We’ve put an ignominious Republic Day commemoration behind us,
Seize the moment
Sunday afternoon turned out to be quite surreal. As
Anger at Prime Minister using civil rights card to cover up wrongdoing
Valletta was once again packed with thousands of people

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