PN condemns prime minister for putting pressure on the judiciary
PN Shadow Minister for Justice Karol Aquilina condemned Prime
Abela facing stiff internal resistance on ‘Commissioner Micallef’ move
Prime Minister Robert Abela’s surprise move, suggesting the possible
From weapon to shield: The long road to an EU law to protect your right to know
As the European Parliament, the European Council and the
How Shakira used Malta companies to avoid high-tax jurisdictions
Colombian singer Shakira is facing six charges linked to
EU Commission raps Malta for failing to transpose EU renewable energy rules
Malta, along with Slovenia and Italy, has received a
Malta taken to European Court of Justice over failure to provide data link services to aircraft operators
Malta, along with Slovakia and Greece, has been referred
‘Full justice must not be denied’ – reactions to European Commission’s rule of law report on Malta
Following the publication of the European Commission’s annual rule
Roberta Metsola urged to rein in tech lobbyists following Uber files revelations
German MEP Daniel Freund has asked European Parliament President
Desperate grandstanding: PN’s dismissal of civil society
Opposition Leader Bernard Grech said on Sunday, without a
Malta facing total of 60 active infringement procedures initiated by the European Commission
The EU Commission has 60 open infringement procedures against
Malta’s workplace health and safety authorities under EU scrutiny following citizen’s petition
A petition to the EU Parliament’s Committee on Petitions
UPDATED: Ukrainian president addressed Maltese parliament while government seeks compromise on Russian oil transport ban
Updated with Volodymyr Zelensky’s address to Parliament. In another
‘Daphne’s law’ – historic anti-SLAPP bill close to becoming reality
The EU Commission has officially presented its historic anti-SLAPP
Malta registers highest deficit in EU – austerity expected next year 
Malta is expected to be one of the first
A fresh lick of paint: how government bodies use rebranding for ‘reputation management’
Since 2013, at least 12 government entities underwent a
Cypriot authorities revoke 21 passports purchased by sanctioned Russian oligarchs
As the noose tightens on the wealth and freedom
Joseph Muscat’s legacy of failure
As disgraced former prime minister Joseph Muscat pulls strings
Stream of congratulations for Roberta Metsola, European parliament’s new president
After a plenary session which saw Maltese MEP and
Malta has highest rate of SLAPP cases per capita
Malta had the highest rate of SLAPP cases per
Finance minister conceals last three years of Air Malta accounts, previously always made public
Finance Minister Clyde Caruana has repeatedly refused to answer
Owen Bonnici – still slyly justifying hate speech
A conference about combatting and preventing hate speech held
The hunting lobby’s stranglehold on Maltese politics
On Tuesday, the Committee Against Bird Slaughter (CABS) described
Illegal bird trapper arrested 24 hours after being convicted of same offence – CABS
A poacher was caught trapping birds illegally yesterday morning,
Legal battle over trapping heats up – BirdLife files judicial protest against government
Conservation NGO BirdLife Malta has filed a judicial protest
Government’s trapping derogation for ‘research’ a ‘short-lived distraction’ – Mark Anthony Falzon
An anthropologist who specialises in hunting and conservation has
‘Media and freedom of speech are indispensable’ for EU democracy, vice-president of EU commission says
Vice-President of the EU Commission for Values and Transparency
European Parliament special committee calls for ‘phasing out’ of golden visa schemes
Malta’s cash-for-passport scheme has once again been described as
European Commission warns member states must do more to ‘uphold and enforce’ rule of law
The European Commission has warned that EU member states

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