Opinion: Edward Scicluna, the modern St Paul
Many are familiar with Paul the Apostle’s story of
Opposition Leader demands urgent parliamentary session following charges faced by Central Bank Governor
Opposition Leader Bernard Grech has demanded an urgent parliamentary
What will it take for the Central Bank Governor to quit?
Aqra bil-Malti Opposition spokesperson Karol Aquilina said in a
No due diligence in dodgy hospitals deal
Chris Fearne and Edward Scicluna were back in court
Opinion: The fake surplus and our blinding deficit
“This government has eliminated its debt,” ONE news claimed
Opinion: Moody’s warning for Abela
Moody’s has just rapped Robert Abela.  It’s warned him
Opinion: I want my money
“Neither the government nor the opposition nor an NGO”
MFSA CEO silent as Edward Scicluna would not meet ‘fit and proper’ rules
Central Bank Governor Edward Scicluna, facing criminal charges in
Cost of electricity subsidies reaches €163 million as government ignores IMF
Government subsidies passed onto Enemalta in 2023 amounted to
Opinion: An unsafe, threatening place
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti On 7 July 2017, Minister
Search for new Gozo court site renewed as decade-old promise remains unkept
Plans for a new state-of-the-art courthouse in Gozo, promised
Finance Ministry spends over a million a year on the members of its 35 boards
Finance Minister Clyde Caruana, who has been harping on
Central bank governor paid an extra €12,000 a year for MFSA board meetings
Central Bank of Malta Governor Edward Scicluna is being
The Shift in landmark FOI ruling as central bank ordered to reduce charges
In what can be considered a victory for the
Kitchen cabinet: Schembri files constitutional case against PAC members
As threatened on Tuesday, disgraced former prime minister Joseph
Labour covers up for Yorgen Fenech – Kevin Cassar
Labour has been battling to conceal how former assistant
Keith Schembri downplays his role in Electrogas project during PAC grilling
In a rare public appearance, the chief of staff
Vitals-Stewards deal enablers shirk responsibility, like the politicians
A review of Mr Justice Francesco Depasquale’s judgement confirming
Imprison Joseph Muscat and accomplices, Repubblika demands
NGO Repubblika is calling for the imprisonment of former
Muscat’s cabinet omerta’ – Kevin Cassar
“Cabinet endorsed all decisions,” Muscat declared. “I confirm that
Opposition wants names of all FIAU board nominees tabled in the House
The Opposition will be submitting an amendment to the
Abela’s cabinet being less transparent with their earnings than Muscat’s
Prime Minister Robert Abela’s Cabinet is being far less
Scicluna’s shameless secrecy
“It was my prerogative, and I don’t need to
The curious case of those who know nothing
How many times must we witness the very people
Seven witnesses approved for next PAC hearing, call for ruling on police commissioner
In another Public Accounts Committee (PAC) hearing that ended
Prime Minister Robert Abela silent on promise to revise government CEO packages
Prime Minister Robert Abela has so far reneged on
Biċċa xogħol mhux kompluta: l-għaxra min-nies li s’issa żgiċċaw minn akkuża ta’ qtil
Read this article in English here. Minkejja l-biżibilju ta’
Unfinished business: the ‘Top 10’ getting away with murder
Tista’ taqra l-artiklu bil-Malti hawn. Despite myriad institutional reports,
Clues for the clueless
If only we had some clues about Joseph Muscat,
Central Bank governor shielding minister’s girlfriend
The Governor of the Central Bank, former finance minister

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