Indian files rogue development application to sanction Portelli’s illegal penthouses
Aqra bil-Malti The Planning Authority is evaluating the possibility
Court orders Stagno Navarra to pay his lawyer’s bills
Labour propagandist Karl Stagno Navarra was found guilty of
Court slams Gozo teacher’s public land grab
Gozo’s Administrative Review Tribunal has ruled that a teacher
Portelli’s illegally built hotel in Mellieha put on the market for €4.2 million
Gozitan developer Joseph Portelli and his associates, including Mark
Court fines Lands Authority for frivolous appeal against The Shift
Sitting in the Court of Appeal, Judge Lawrence Mintoff
Police protection required for journalists at Joseph Muscat’s arraignment
Journalists covering the court hearing next week of disgraced
Malita CEO denies electoral fraud claims, files police report
The CEO of Malita Investments plc has filed a
Court stops Gaffarena’s ‘cowboy’ attempt to evict farmers from land
Rogue property speculator Mark Gaffarena, notorious for a series
VistaJet files €386 million lawsuit against rival company
Aqra bil-Malti VistaJet, a private jet company registered in
BOV gives departing loans chief €468,000 golden handshake
Bank of Valletta’s former Chief Risk Officer Miguel Borg
Court criticises Steward over time wasting tactics in €37 million pending VAT bill case
The Court of Appeal has ordered proceedings against Steward
State broadcaster loses €5 million in 10 years despite €40 million in subsidies
The public broadcaster, PBS, has lost a total of
IDPC tribunal rules in favour of the Shift, throws out remaining FOI appeals
The Maltese government has lost the remaining appeals it
MFSA legal breach risks revocation of all enforcement notices, fines since 2019
A recent Financial Services Tribunal ruled that the Malta
Hospitals concession instrument for money to pass from ‘state pockets’ to VGH, Steward
Tista taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. The Court of Appeal
‘Selective’ enforcement by police as pensioner charged with money laundering
Bank of Valletta and HSBC Malta may have allowed
Prime Minister finally gets his way in the latest judiciary appointments
The latest selection of the Judicial Appointments Committee, including
Open letter calls for Saliba’s resignation over ‘illegal’ government post
A Maltese linguist working at the European Commission has
Architect involved in collapse that killed Miriam Pace still a shareholder as development set to continue
Roderick Camilleri, one of the architects involved in the
Prime minister mum on reform to halt construction works under appeal
Prime Minister Robert Abela has refused to answer questions
No action from PM as BA member Alessandro Lia faces criminal charges
Prime Minister Robert Abela has refrained from taking any
Zenith Finance’s Matthew Pace gets an asset freeze reprieve, to pay home loans
Zenith Finance’s Matthew Pace has been given a slight
Court orders media ban on criminal cases against judiciary members
The media has been banned from reporting on the
Chief Justice actionless as judicial couple’s litigations clog courts
Chief Justice Mark Chetcuti has so far refrained from
Slovakian businessman acquitted of murdering journalist in court ‘debacle’
Slovak business tycoon Marian Kočner has been acquitted in
Court grants shortening of appeal window for Vitals-Steward hospitals judgement
In an exceptional court procedure, Judge Miriam Hayman granted
Grech, Delia challenge PM to come clean to the House on hospital deals role
Opposition leader Bernard Grech and MP Adrian Delia are
Hospitals scandal: Joseph Muscat shifts blame from him and government to corruption by ‘third parties’
Former prime minister Joseph Muscat, on whose watch the
Caruana Galizia’s 2015 reporting on hospital deal ‘vindicated’, says Foundation as reactions roll in
The judgement rescinding and annulling all three agreements and
Fraudulent: court orders Steward to return hospitals to the people in scathing judgement
The largest ever deal a Maltese government has ever

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