The smokescreen – Kevin Cassar
On 3 April 2019, The Economist reported the Council
Abela’s humble hypocrisy – Kevin Cassar
“They are still an elitist clan who think they
Cabinet swill – Jacques René Zammit
Disgraced former Office of the Prime Minister chief of
Rosianne Cutajar’s poison – Kevin Cassar
Rosianne Cutajar is not just a deceitful cheating liar;
Shooting the messenger and ignoring the message – Editorial
The Malta Police Force deserves a round of applause
Robert Abela’s false narrative on public hospitals’ deal continues to deceive
Robert Abela is defending Steward Health Care. But he’s
George Vella is waiting – Kevin Cassar
President George Vella, a doctor by profession, hasn’t uttered
Abela’s arguments against Jean Paul Sofia public inquiry identical to Muscat’s
Prime Minister Robert Abela’s justifications for refusing to initiate
It’s not about the gap
The latest election surveys have been eclipsed by Mark
Saviour Balzan’s transparency
“I have no problem being transparent,” Saviour Balzan declared
Flip-flopping Abela
On 24 February 2023, after a devastating court judgement
Byron in the dark
‘Camilleri says he was kept in the dark over
Steward Health Care wants those €100 million – Kevin Cassar
Steward Health Care is appealing. Joseph Muscat and Konrad
Muscat: defrauder or defrauded? – Jacques René Zammit
It’s been a busy few days for disgraced former
Still plundering – Kevin Cassar
Barely days after the court lambasted Labour for the
Setting the Commissioner’s standards – Kevin Cassar
The Standards Commissioner had barely been sworn in.  And
Unreformed, unrepentant and unashamed – Jacques Rene Zammit
Robert Abela has chosen to force through his choice
The Pharisee – Kevin Cassar
Jesus told the parable of the Pharisee and the
Abela’s amazing power – Kevin Cassar
Thunder struck the island. HSBC, at least momentarily, doubled
Jettisoned – Kevin Cassar
Joseph Muscat has been dumped. Even Robert Abela, his
Still pleading that they are not crooks – Jacques René Zammit
Adrian Delia was asked whether the Vitals judgment was
Muscat’s cabinet omerta’ – Kevin Cassar
“Cabinet endorsed all decisions,” Muscat declared. “I confirm that
Who, me? Corrupt? – Kevin Cassar
“The references to fraud in the court judgement in
Steward’s shock – Kevin Cassar
“Preliminary reviews of the judgement showed it contained significant
Clayton rewrites history – Kevin Cassar
Minister Clayton Bartolo was asked in parliament how Pierre
Labour’s new poor – Kevin Cassar
The average apartment in Malta costs €300,000. That’s the
The gods among us
The peoples of antiquity were convinced that the gods
What’s Robert Abela waiting for?
The mother of Jean Paul Sofia, who died under
Silence: ‘The mobsters’ choice’
“You see, the mob takes the Fifth – if
Abela’s Triumph of the Will
In 1934 the German filmmaker Leni Riefenstahl produced an

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