Was Cambridge Analytica’s psychological warfare used in Malta?
This week Cambridge Analytica, as well as its parent
1 May: Idolatry and Xenophobia
The 1st of May or what is known as
Mayday! Mayday! 
Thousands answered Prime Minister Joseph Muscat’s call to reply
Malta in the dock
Pilatus Bank owner Ali Sadr has not been accused
Burn Baby Burn
The answer to Malta’s overflowing national rubbish bin, according
The fierce urgency of now
Some 150 artists have signed a petition calling for
Schadenfreude has expired
The German language has a wonderful word to describe
Rule of law is dead but we can resuscitate it
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and his government insist that
‘Us and them’: a false dilemma
“Sunday’s rally will be a milestone in building a
The transformation of the Republic
The last few decades, the world has seen the
For someone who grew up in the 80s, the
Perpetuating tribalism at the University student council elections
The polls are clear. New voters are increasingly disenfranchised
Shoulder to shoulder with journalists
The systematic asphyxiation of the media happening all around
Lessons from fascism in Russia
A lot has already been written about people believing
War of cultures
Malta is divided. On one side, civil society demanding
The masters of spin
The latest hogwash doing the rounds is that Daphne
Bottom of the class, hardly the envy of the world 
Celebrating his fifth year in power, Prime Minister Joseph
The shame of Valletta 2018, European Capital of Culture – PEN
Dear President Juncker, Dear Commissioner Timmermans, Dear Mr Magnier,
Bailing Ali Sadr
The owner of Pilatus Bank, Ali Sadr Hasheminejad was,
What price tag for political parties to take control of the university student council?
With the university student council (KSU) elections coming up
A chilling effect is sweeping across Europe
The resounding victory at the polls by Hungary’s anti-immigrant
Life in the trenches of political warfare 
The headquarters of the two main political parties sit
Prime Minister, where do you stand?
The government voting against legislation that would prohibit expensive
When doing the wrong thing becomes the basis of future economic growth 
In a 2014 interview with Saviour Balzan, Prime Minister
No, Malta is not a normal country
In case you have not noticed, or you have
Development madness must end before it’s too late
The direct action carried out by Movement Graffitti and
Hellbent against dissent
Psychology suggests that mischievous, stubborn children are more likely
The Church has a right and duty to speak out against injustice
The onslaught of abuse suffered by Archbishop Charles Scicluna
I ask, therefore I am
‘If YOUR baby was going into hospital for an
Freedom of expression and the right to disagree
Cartoon by Steve Bonello  The term “freedom of expression”

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