Opinion: Edward Scicluna’s own rules
Edward Scicluna has his own rules.  That’s what he
Opinion: All in the family
Minister Miriam Dalli appointed Minister Roderick Galdes’ wife to
Opinion: Edward Scicluna, the modern St Paul
Many are familiar with Paul the Apostle’s story of
How Miriam Dalli blew the grid
Enemalta is the sole distributor of power.  It doesn’t
Opinion: Keith Schembri was the centre of the web
When I read that Keith Schembri had a fake
Opinion: Our money isn’t coming back
Aqra bil-Malti Robert Abela is bragging that he’s engaged
Opinion: Abela’s hysteria
Robert Abela called an official press conference last week,
Muscat: Fast and loose with the truth
Joseph Muscat likes to play fast and loose with
Opinion: Stewarding the national interest
Arbitrations are by their nature confidential, so we don’t
Opinion: Chris Fearne’s gimmicks
Chris Fearne asked the police commissioner to investigate the
Opinion: He’s really lost it
If Rip van Winkle woke up in Malta today,
Opinion: Shadow bans and shady people
What is it with Malta and shady people? The
Opinion: Flip-flopper in chief
Still shell-shocked from the European elections, Robert Abela made
Opinion: The fake surplus and our blinding deficit
“This government has eliminated its debt,” ONE news claimed
Opinion: Labour’s grand conspiracy
In the run-up to the MEP elections, Alex Agius
Opinion: An opportunist or just daft?
Labour’s new MEP, Daniel Attard, went to Joseph Muscat,
Opinion: Mind the Gap – Europe
I have never been a number-cruncher and harbour a
Opinion: The genius of Jason
Aqra bil-Malti. “Every poll in the last two months
Opinion: Mind the gap – Malta
All eyes on Sunday were fixed on ‘the Gap’.
Editorial: Change the law
It’s a story that we have to write every
Opinion: Still in transit, my dear?
“Only Joseph can’t speak,” Michelle Muscat said in a
Opinion: Moody’s warning for Abela
Moody’s has just rapped Robert Abela.  It’s warned him
Opinion: I want my money
“Neither the government nor the opposition nor an NGO”
Opinion: Local ‘hero’, international crook
Accutor Consulting AG, the company that paid Muscat €15,000
Opinion: The golden goose
Only eight years ago, Joseph Muscat made Konrad Mizzi
Opinion: The writing on the wall
“They asked me to comment about the absence of
Opinion: Abela never learns
David de Pape was condemned to 30 years imprisonment. 
Opinion: ‘men of honour’
The ‘Ndrangheta is the richest of Italy’s three major
Opinion: Grim farce
Conspiracy theorist-in-chief Robert Abela is working hard.  As events
Opinion: Malta’s ignored ecological grief
Malta is in the grip of an epidemic of

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