Abela facing stiff internal resistance on ‘Commissioner Micallef’ move
Prime Minister Robert Abela’s surprise move, suggesting the possible
Alex Agius Saliba’s ‘cheap tactics’ for EP elections ‘hypocritical’ – SME Chamber
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti The Chamber of Small and
Opinion: von der Leyen’s visit, was that really the best we could do?
Friday was an exciting day for the Maltese government
European Commission chief set to tour ‘patched up’, unfinished, EU funded school
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen is set
Abela humiliates Malta – Kevin Cassar
“We took decisive action to step up our fight
‘Access to information should be recognised as one of the main pillars sustaining media freedom’
Accessing information held by public authorities is not always
Stream of congratulations for Roberta Metsola, European parliament’s new president
After a plenary session which saw Maltese MEP and
Zammit Lewis’ certificate
Edward Zammit Lewis was feeling the heat.  Visibly angry
With passport sales, we undermine our sovereignty
Many readers of The Shift will already be sympathetic
Malta receives a whole raft of warnings from the European Commission
As international media organisations welcomed action by the European
Tarnished gold
Finally, after far too many long years, the European
‘Justice for Daphne Caruana Galizia must be secured’ – European Commission President
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has again
Migration, rule of law and equality among European Commission priorities
On 16 September, President of the European Commission Ursula
Outrage at ‘authoritarian’ Hungary after parliament endorses Emergency Bill
The Hungarian Parliament’s approval of a controversial emergency bill
Mandatory quarantine leaves tourists in Malta stranded and with hotel bills
The government’s recent measure to impose a 14-day quarantine
European Commission urging Robert Abela to continue reforms ‘not enough’
European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen encouraging Prime
Reporters Without Borders expects Abela to start office by ending impunity
International NGO Reporters Without Borders has called on Prime
International organisations urge Commission President to prioritise press freedom
In a letter to the new President of the

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