State buys second luxury SUV for Prime Minister Robert Abela

Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti.

The Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) acquired the latest luxury Range Rover model for Prime Minister Robert Abela in September 2023, his third official car since he became prime minister in 2020.

The brand-new Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV), a Range Rover P510e, which Abela is using as his official car, has a market price tag of €130,000 but was purchased by the OPM from Muscat Motors through direct order for €90,000.

The government is exempted from paying taxes, such as customs duties for official vehicles.

Between May 2020 and September 2020,  the prime minister leased a new, electric BMW 530iPerformance. According to answers to parliamentary questions, this cost €13,200, paid to an unnamed company.

The lease stopped several months ago when the brand-new SUV was delivered.

Between January 2020 – when Abela became Prime Minister and May 2020, Abela also used a different leased BMW.

Abela’s new electric Range Rover, described by its manufacturer as “the fastest ever built” and “fit to reign the roads”, is the second SUV assigned for the personal use of the prime minister.

Another SUV – a Range Rover Evoque – was bought as a second car for Abela in September 2020. The vehicle, mostly used by his wife Lydia, was also bought from Muscat Motors through a direct order for €43,000, without tax.

Asked through a Freedom of Information request for a copy of the lease or purchase contracts related to the vehicles Abela has used since taking office, the OPM turned down the request.

Instead, the OPM said that apart from the price paid for its purchase, the second SUV, used by Lydia, has incurred €21,705 in expenses since September 2020, including insurance, licenses, and maintenance. Meanwhile, the prime minister’s official new car has cost €4,500 in expenses since its purchase a few months ago.

Unlike his ministers, the prime minister is allowed two government cars, one for official use and the other for private journeys.

Cabinet members are only given one official car, which they can use both officially and privately in Malta.


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Frank Borg
Frank Borg
6 months ago

One car for him and one for his corrupt evil twin

Mark Debono
Mark Debono
6 months ago

Could the PM not get a better deal from his business partner and buddy Christian borg or was there more money to pocket by giving a direct order?

Paul Henry Berman
Paul Henry Berman
6 months ago
Reply to  Mark Debono

No Christian Borg would take it back if he thought Bobby wasnt driving responsibly!! and the tracker would have been interesting

6 months ago

I do think that Robber Abela needs very very fast car to run away from angry Maltese. Faster than the Yacht last year.

Next might be an Aeroplane which he might share with his friends.

6 months ago
Reply to  KLAUS

Vistajet are probably due for another show of gratitude from the government.

R Agius
R Agius
6 months ago

Remember the fuss when Gonzi’s BMW needed repairs…..what a bunch of corrupt hypocrites – it-targa tal-haddiem ta ghajni….

6 months ago

Abela is not the head of state and therefore should not have the national emblem on his car. That is reserved for the President of the Republic, who is the Head of State.

In addition, the national flag may be flown on the official vehicle of the prime minister only on certain certain important occasions, such as:

1. Official Duties and Events: When the prime minister is performing official duties, attending state functions, or during official visits within or outside the country.
2. National Days and Celebrations: On national holidays, or during significant national celebrations or commemorations.
3. Visiting Foreign Dignitaries: When meeting or escorting foreign dignitaries or heads of state.

The national flag should not be flown on the car in everyday use, even with the Prime Minister aboard.

While a specific country can adapt this protocol, it is important to note that this change in practice started only when disgraced Prime Minister Joseph Muscat became Prime Minister. This shows just how he wanted to increase his importance and unjustly place himself on the same level as the President of the Republic, who is in fact senior to him.

While overseas, visiting another country with which Malta has diplomatic relations on an official visit, the prime minister’s car can fly the national flag.

Ambassadors fly their national flag on their official car when they are in another country because they are deputising for the Head of State and are his or her representatives.

This incorrect practice was commenced by disgraced Prime Minister Joseph Muscat.

While being something small, compared to the other much more significant actions and inactions of Malta’s official leaders, it just shows what a pitiful state our leadership is in.

Joseph Galea
Joseph Galea
6 months ago

He needs it to deliver ‘fast’ food to the soup kitchens !!

6 months ago

Dan mhux thanzir?

6 months ago

It’s funny how ‘socialists’ need to have oversized SUVs on a tiny island. You can never even use it properly given the tiny distances in Malta and given max speed of 80km/h and narrow roads. Maybe it’s more meant as a holiday car for Sicily 🙂

6 months ago

If Michelle Muscat goes around in one of these, why not get more..

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