Voters held to ransom
As speculation about a possible November election intensifies, the
‘Run, rabbit, run’
Just as we began to digest the conclusions of
Heading straight for the brick wall
That famous ‘40,000’. According to The Times’ survey published
Delay, disrupt, distract: the oil scandal case stumbles on PL’s favourite tactics
Chief Justice Mark Chetcuti last week issued a blistering
 The pontificating poser
“This poser was behind the greatest lie of the
PAC hearing highlights unexplained pay-out arrangements between Electrogas shareholders
The public accounts committee today slammed witness Paul Apap
That sense of resignation
The temperature climbed to 27 degrees this Sunday in
Keep your enemies close
With a government in office threatening to outdo the
In depth: Whistleblower in Giovanna Debono case pocketed over €1m
Until 2013, former Gozo Minister Giovanna Debono was considered
Frying pans and fire
What a disappointment Bernard Grech is turning out to
Bernard Grech’s paradox
A political newcomer, Bernard Grech, the new PN leader,
Collaborators and enablers
I watched the non-face off that was the Xarabank
The Importance of Being Bernard
Barring any last-minute surprises, the race for nationalist party
Party people
The Party is paramount. All hail the Party. The
Robert Trump: The politics of the absurd
Here is something to think about: there were less
President ‘departs from Constitution’, favours ‘stability’ and ‘continuity’ 
President George Vella announced his decision that Adrian Delia
A Constitution for the Parties
I write this article 1000 days since a particularly
Labour’s Church of Victimology
“Don’t blame the victim”. Finance Minister Edward Scicluna’s comments
Opposition and civil society raise the stakes on rule of law reforms
In a move that raises the stakes on rule
Opposition demands government withdraw direct order on Electrogas deal
The Opposition has called on Energy Minister Michael Farrugia
Abela’s can, Muscat’s worms
Consider these two extraordinary cases. A minister does the
Egrant: ‘The most expensive cover up in Malta’s political history’
You won a difficult battle in court and gave
Uncomfortably dumb through Yuletide
We’ve put an ignominious Republic Day commemoration behind us,
Seize the moment
Sunday afternoon turned out to be quite surreal. As
‘Time for national unity’
Opposition Leader Adrian Delia’s decision to cancel the PN
A toxic mix of planning and politics
The most unexpected aspect of the controversial permit for
‘Things must change’ – MEP David Casa given anti-money laundering role
“We cannot expect honest businesses to adhere to stringent
Ending the siege mentality
One of the dominant ways in which we think
The shield and the bulldozer
In the blazing summer sun, anger at the building
If Adrian Delia is the answer, what is the question?
Adrian Delia obtained 67% of the confidence vote held

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