It’s our business to question why police won’t act on ‘criminally tainted’ deal
As activists gathered outside Castille last week demanding to
Disinformation #27: Manipulation of the NAO report on the power station deal
The National Audit Office (NAO) on Wednesday published its
PD slams Opposition Leader’s decision to drop no confidence motion against Konrad Mizzi
Opposition Leader Adrian Delia’s decision to drop the motion
‘Millions stolen from taxpayers’ on power station deal
A “conservative estimate” by the National Audit Office found
PD files no-confidence motion against Konrad Mizzi
Partit Demokratiku (PD) Leader Godfrey Farrugia and MP Marlene
German authorities asked to investigate Siemens’ role in bribery allegations
German authorities have been requested to investigate bribery in
17 Black owner identified as Electrogas director Yorgen Fenech
The owner of the elusive Dubai-registered company 17 Black
The Dictator’s Handbook #5: The perils of meritocracy
“It is better to have loyal incompetents than competent
Disinformation Watch #17: Crime, corruption and Edward Scicluna’s fantasies
Finance Minister Edward Scicluna is under fire for his
‘Investigate the FIAU’s handling of information on 17 Black’ – Casa
PN Head of Delegation MEP David Casa called on
AG appeals ruling on Judge’s recusal on Panama Papers case
The Attorney General appealed a judgment that called for
A ‘fake’ signature, and some perspective
In April 2016, a team of French journalists travelled
UPDATED: Malta needs the whole truth – Caruana Galizia family
The family of assassinated journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia issued
‘Lack of action against Nexia BT reveals hijacking of regulatory authorities’ – Casa
The continued exemption of audit firm Nexia BT from
French and Maltese anti-corruption organisations request Council of Europe monitoring of MFSA
French and Maltese anti-corruption organisations called on MONEYVAL –
Malta and Azerbaijan: A sordid love affair
Just when everyone thought that the Panama Papers were
‘Withdraw warrants of Brian Tonna and Karl Cini’ – MEP David Casa
The Accountancy Board should convene a disciplinary committee to
UPDATED: 17 Black inquiry ordered by magistrate
Magistrate Francesco Depasquale has upheld a request made by
Schembri and Mizzi instructions to Nexia BT ‘not documented’
Nexia BT told Malta’s anti-money laundering agency that no
Konrad Mizzi instructed accountants to backdate New Zealand trust documents
Konrad Mizzi instructed New Zealand accountants to backdate documents
Konrad Mizzi only paid Nexia BT after secret companies were exposed by Panama Papers
Tourism minister Konrad Mizzi only paid Nexia BT for
Konrad Mizzi’s Panama company worth €9,200, not €92 – leaked report
Malta’s anti-money laundering agency flagged concerns on documents perceived
Nexia’s Karl Cini risks imprisonment for failure to collaborate with FIAU
Nexia BT’s failure to disclose information on the true
Nexia BT concealed true ownership of Panama companies from anti-money laundering agency
A leaked report by Malta’s anti-money laundering agency shows

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