MFSA takes action on Brian Tonna’s companies following court order
The Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) has issued two
Government could have terminated hospitals’ deal
Two members of the board tasked with evaluating the
Nexia BT’s licence to sell passports suspended
Brian Tonna’s Nexia BT licence to sell passports has
Special rapporteur urges AG to take ‘effective action’ on inquiries
Council of Europe Special Rapporteur Pieter Omtzigt has urged
Louis Grech denies links with Brian Tonna under oath, despite former business ties
Former Deputy Prime Minister Louis Grech on Friday denied
‘Transparently yours, Joseph’
For a man who campaigned on a promise of
‘Dubai running after Malta’ to assist with 17 Black probe – Casa tells public inquiry
Contrary to testimonies made by former economic crimes unit
Taxpayers billed €300,000 for luxury travel by chief passport salesman
Maltese taxpayers were billed almost €300,000 for first class
A young lawyer you have never heard of and why he’s the news
A young student stood up during a heated political
Opposition demands government withdraw direct order on Electrogas deal
The Opposition has called on Energy Minister Michael Farrugia
Streamcast defaults on €7m promise of sale agreement as debts pile up
Streamcast, the outfit that the Maltese public was told
Court orders Streamcast to pay €300,000 to Melita for arrears
Streamcast has been ordered by a court to pay
BREAKING: Streamcast never paid rent or electricity, Enemalta owed €500,000
Streamcast, the company behind the data centre that was
Opposition Leader files request for four witnesses to testify in Vitals case
Opposition Leader Adrian Delia has requested a court to
Dubai ignored police queries on 17 Black, no action on Mizzi and Schembri
The authorities were awaiting verification of information from Dubai,
Streamcast: a data centre without data
Maltese internet service provider Melita is suing Streamcast in
Police received several updates on Mizzi, Schembri from FIAU
The Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit had given the police
Streamcast deletes articles, closes Facebook page… then covers for Konrad Mizzi
Information can at times be gleaned from reactions to
Nexia BT attempts to cloud the waters on Streamcast deal
Nexia BT sent a statement to The Shift as
Nexia BT confirm investment in Streamcast, deny cashing out
Editorial note: Nexia BT has sent us this statement
Nexia BT’s Brian Tonna and Karl Cini cashed in on taxpayer-funded scam
The government announced an investment of €5 million that
New prime minister has to defend the truth to create stability
Thousands of people gathered outside the law courts to
2019: The Shift’s investigation highlights
2019 was another significant year of investigative work for
Manipulation of the Egrant inquiry
Now we know why Joseph Muscat held back publication
Muscat protected his friends, not the national interest
While the Maltese government kept insisting that the Council
Faulty wiring: Mizzi’s ‘sinister’ Electrogas deal
The Electrogas deal has been described as a “highly
Probe reveals over €2 million in direct orders to Panama Papers’ firm in Malta
The firm that set up the Panama companies for
The promise of Malta
I first came to Malta a year after it
The world reacts while Malta continues to look the other way
The very first person to be charged in the
They said it in 2018
We’ve heard and seen a great deal in 2018.

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